Rising Fearlessly

Be Fearless In What Sets Your Soul On Fire.

The life we desire to live is right on the other side of fear and the limits we create in our mind , the moment we choose to become limitless in our pursuits is the moment we give ourselves permission to soar freely. Limits are created out of fear , many of us have the greatest fear of failing and as an effect we never get started. The truth is believe it or not the presence of fear can be a good thing if we allow ourselves to feel fear and still take action. The time we take to think of all the reasons that our vision is impossible if we can invest that same amount of time and effort into seeing why it is possible the more fearless we become. Being fearless does not mean to be without fear , what it means is that when we are able to feel fear and match it with consistent action daily the less we fear. The moment you set a goal for yourself if fear does not kick in that simply means you are aiming too low or staying within your comfort zone. The struggle is necessary getting and it will require much discomfort to push us to where we need to be, for example when a woman is with child and her due date has passed we draw a conclusion that the baby is comfortable, which means there is no rush to be born. Although that is not a factual statement because we truly do not know why things vary during pregnancies and child birth we understand that is a natural order. When I was pregnant three weeks before my due date it was safe to say she was uncomfortable and when one is uncomfortable they fight and push to get out of that space. I share these examples to paint a clear picture of the benefits of being open to getting uncomfortable because it assists us into taking action which produces results.

A vision without prayer , a plan, and action is simply just a dream , once we have the vision there are some very important and necessary steps we must stake. The first step is understanding that our vision is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to commit our plans unto Him to receive insights on the direction we must take. The second step is patiently working but not any kind of work the work I speak on is the work that must be done within ourselves. Why? As we take steps into bringing our dreams to reality we must be prepared to take on life challenges that will be present today , tomorrow , and forever, the best preparation is a daily commitment to personal development of the mind , body , and soul. “life is happening “ this is one of the most common reasons we all have either heard or been guilty of allowing to be our reason to not accomplish our goals or making progress. Life is not out to get anyone there is no one person that is created with more favor or super powers that separates them from others, what separates us is the way we think. The quality of our thoughts are shaped by the quality of our life based on daily choices that are made , every moment alive we should be consciously making investments. We must always make sure that we are not wasting precious time by spending time engaging in things and with people that are not serving us or adding value. Life is short but it is how we lived while we are here that will go on long after we are gone. Mastering self understanding and knowing who we are at the core is key thriving in life and our goals.

The real magic that every human being living can perform is to change our mindset , once we change our mindset then and only then will our life begin to change. 100% of how we react or respond to life has everything to do with our perception and our perception is built on our level of understanding, past and present experiences. When we learn to master self and are committed to personal development daily we are becoming equipped with the tools we need to experience shifts and changes in life without internalizing them. Life can be as simple as we make it or it can be as difficult as we make it, when we understand that everything and everyone we experience has a purpose the easier it is for us to get through the constant changes and struggles we face. Everything we need is already within us and everything that we will experience in our life has already been written by God, we know that God makes no mistakes so it we must trust the process an the timing of our lives. Instead of being in a hurry to get out of your current storms be patient to grow through them with much gratitude for what is in store for us. Make life your playground or even even better your amusement park filled with lots of adventures learning to appreciate them all because they are simply just chapters in our book the legacy we hope to leave behind.

Hey You ;
You Have Had The Power All Along.

Balancing Life & Purpose

Each day we are gifted with the blessing of a new day we have no knowledge of what the day has in store for us, what we are most certain about is our goals and desires for the day. In the midst of having desires and goals we are often challenged with life the constant battle to balance life ,the things and people that are important to us. While there are few that have figured out a formula that works to have it all there are many that have. In fact sticking to the traditions of life is not creating balance it is just another form of creating limits on ones life and staying in the safe of what we have always known, what makes us comfortable , and what will be accepted, and approved by others. The limits we allow ourselves and traditions to lock us into will only hurt us in the long run, life is simple , short , and filled with lots of adventure. Living only in your comfort zone, risk free , never going after your dreams robs you of the true and full experience of life. The art of creating balance in your life requires us to take charge of our life, making decisions that will not always make sense to others but will make life much more fulfilling and rewarding for you. As the days , months , years , and seasons change , it is important that we are growing and evolving daily in our thinking and our being. It is important to check in with yourself and ask yourself “Am I truly living or am I existing?”, “am I creating balance in my life or staying within my limits?”


As a wife , mother , and entrepreneur the idea of balance can be quite scary and difficult at times depending on the choice that needs to be made at the time. The reality is there will always be sacrifices that must be made even when they make us uncomfortable. One of the ways I have learned to create balance is by identifying the pros and the cons of the choice that I have to make , once I am clear on the benefits and the disadvantages I analyze the cause and effect by asking myself what am I willing to sacrifice and will it benefit me in the long run. The truth is while it is important that we live presently in the moment it is important that when it comes to making very important decisions that we are not only focused on the instant but very temporary gratification. The things that may feel great In the moment may not always feel great later on ,and many times we must be willing to sacrifice those temporary quick fixes in order to make choices that has long term benefits for not only us but for the people we love. For example when we think about becoming a home owner the idea is usually planted in our minds from a very early age that becoming a home owner by a certain age and time is a must. We live with that seed growing in our minds as a thing that we must do not the thing we desire to, without every taking a moment to ask ourselves are we ready to be a home owner or an even better question to ask yourself “why do I want to become a home owner before taking on this responsibility. The reality is once we make choices that have nothing to do with us we must remember that all the opinions of others or expectations of others will not be able or willing to help you get out once you realize that this may not have been the best decision for you. Choose to make choices for your life based on who you are, who you desire to be, and the kind of life you envision for yourself.

In closing I want to share with you that one of the keys to creating true balance in your Is to prioritize the things that are important to you and let go of the things that causes you to compromise them. The truth is no matter what path you are on in life whether it is In a career field , pursuing your dreams, building a brand or business it is possible to have it all but at the cost of unlearning and detatching from all the things that do not serve you. We must always be willing to take a stand for our peace , our happiness , our joy , and our vision for life, everyone will have an opinion but not everyone will agree with the choices you make. Life is all about choices and every waking moment it is extremely important that we are mindful and conscious of the choices we are making as they have the power to make us or break us. Self forgiveness is also a very important key to balancing life and thriving in our daily life , we will not always make the best choices but I want you to remember that even those poor choices have value because they are what I consider to be teachable moments in life. As we experience lessons it is important that no matter how painful it is to not allow that experience to only result In hurt and resentment. Appreciate the blessings and be wise enough to apply the lessons that we have been blessed. Unapologetically allow yourself to create balance and room for mistakes in your life , because while there are few things that are in our control there are many that are out of our control we must always remember that they too come with great purpose for our life.

Balance Is Not Something You Find
It Is Something You Create.

Toxic Productivity

For everything there is a season , a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest, a time to kill and a time to heal. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. I shared this scripture as a reminder to us all of the importance of knowing how to identify what season we are in and how to move according to the time. We can all agree that in one or more areas of our life there are some things that we over do and something we do not do enough of. The truth is many of us have mastered the art of multi-tasking, over working , getting less rest , and zero time to heal when we need it. Some may argue to say that operating in this manner does not affect them, the truth is it does we are usually too deep in our routines and level of comfort to see. As a health coach I have encountered plenty of people that often tell me they are not a breakfast past or that on a day to day basis they will only have one meal. The explanation given by most is that “ I am never hungry or I do not have an appetite” and this is considered to be there norm . I often have to explain to them that it is not that these habits will not affect you or are currently affecting you it is just that our bodies will naturally adapt to assist us in surviving. The way to change that cycle would be to force and shock the body by eating more even when they are not feeling hungry for at least 7-14 consistently and suddenly there will be a desire to eat more. This concept is the same in all areas of our lives we are what we consistently tell ourselves we can and cannot do.

These las six months have truly been a time in my life that i will never forget and will be forever grateful for. Life as we know it has presented us with many unexpected changes but , i do beleive it to be a change for the best if we choose to make it work for us. Often when we are experiencing great shifts and changes in our life we get distracted with the idea that what we are experiencing is a set back. My question today is what if you knew and understood that every experience and season in your life had great purpose how would you proceed? The first reason i ask this question is to shed light on the fact that our ability to make progress and thrive in our life is based on our perceptions of them. In In the begining of March when it was announced that we would be on quarantine i immediately began to feel anxious. My daily routines are filled with me being on the go, so naturally sitting still was something i have not done in a long time . As time went on the longer we were locked in for i learned some very important and benefical facts about myself. The truth hurts is a fact but i would like to add that the turth helps when we are open to recieving it. I Learned that there was such a thing as toxic productivity , because when i was forced to sit still for the first week i went through many different thoughts and emotions. One of the feeligs i had was a sense of hopelessness because i was not on the go. By being present to the high level of toxic that was present in my life i recognized just how much i was missing out on which bring me more harm than benefits in the long run.

Having dreams and setting your intentions on accomplishing your goals are important, but it is also important that we always remember to stay grounded and present to some of the things and people we cherish. Too much of anything is a recipe for disaster , just as we know there are things we consider to be bad addictions it is very possible to have addictions that may not affect our health or physical well being but can rob us of the joys in our present moments. It is important to have clarity on your vision and desires your life but it is extremely important to be connected to God's will and vision for our life. I encourage you all to remain in constant connection and communication with our true selves to ensure that we are not depriving ourself of what we need mentally physically and emotionally. I learned to lose my desire and addiction to being on the go to define my ability to thrive or be productive daily to accepting the gift of sitting and flowing to be aligned with what God has in store for me. I am committed to enjoying my life to fullest and to learn new and exciting things along the way.

Protect Your Peace
Get Rid Of Toxicity
Cleanse Your Space
Cultivate Love.

The Journey

One of the greatest rewards we can choose to gift ourselves is to be present though our many adventures through life. It is almost common or may I say seemingly normal for one to surpress or attempt to block out their emotions and even their thoughts as they are experiencing something new , something challenging , and sometimes even something exciting. I know you might be wondering why would some one want to surpress their feelings when they are experiencing something excited? The truth is When you are always expecting the worse when the good arrives they may perceive it as being too good to be true they may even ask questions like what’s the catch , which in most cases is created by lack of self worth , which encourages one to believe they are not worthy. The truth is while the outcome is not our responsibility how we respond or react is a 100% ours. We must invest more time being in constant communication with God and more time seeking to find the lessons receiving them to apply them and counting all experiences as a blessings. We spend a lot of time being so critical on ourselves when we make a mistake or when things just do not happen according to our plans this is where we must practice the skill of forgiveness with ourselves. If we are unable to forgive ourselves it will be impossible to truly forgive others, in everything that we set out to master it takes time, practice, patience and forgiveness is one of those. We must first understand what it means to forgive and why it is important for us to forgive ourselves and others. When we fail to forgive ourselves we rob ourselves of the opportunity of ever getting back up and trying again because after a failed attempt comes the false and limiting story that encourages us to give up. On the other hand there are those that struggle with possibly forgiving their parents or any past trauma they may have endured and they allow those experiences to mean something bad about them and be in control of how they operate moving forward.


Have you ever written a list of all the good that resulted from many of our experiences even the most difficult experiences we will see that they all have a lot to offer us. Normally when one is experiencing pain or unexpected changes the first action taken is to either take something to reduce the pain, there are often moments of wishing it would go away , and lastly but most commonly the act of denial or to simply avoid what we are really feeling. What if we actually give ourselves permission to feel , to acknowledge our feelings and thoughts that is present in that moment? It is important that we understand that no matter where we are on our journey, is to remember that we are people with real feelings and emotions that must be addressed and expressed , and the more we try to hide the more harm is done to our emotional and mental health. Pain is necessary , pain has purpose and the sooner we stop being afraid or resistant to being present and open to learn from them the better we are at handling life. When I began my journey of choosing unapologetic happiness there were many moments on my journey that I forgot that just because I was choosing to be happy and not allow life to get the best of me that it did not mean that I was immortal. There were also moments where people that were close to me made me feel like is was not okay to express myself if it was not a positive expression. I had to learn to not only be unapologetic about my happiness but to be vulnerable and exercise my power of choice and freedom to provide myself with what is best for me at all times. Often that meant to not care about what anyone would think of me or say about me, because my duty is not to fit into other people’s expectations or perception of me. It is my responsibility to remain committed to my well being and apart of being happy and healthy is in making choices daily that adds value and helps me to be better each day.

While we may never have all the answers to the questions about life we should never allow the mysteries of life to discourage us. Life is not about having all the answers it is about learning as we go along collecting information, increasing in our knowledge on what is in our access and using wisdom to apply them. There is no destination to happiness it is a journey and a choice we make daily , but in choosing happiness we must also choose to be free and vulnerable. Just as there Is a time and a place for everything , that also includes knowing that there is a time and a place to laugh, to cry , to be still, to take action and to be in tune with ourselves to know what we need to serve ourselves. People will always try to change you , make you wrong , try to dictate how to be you and it is up to us not allow them to. It is not by chance or accident that we all have unique gifts, talents , and skills that sets us apart from others and we must always be proud and appreciative of them. Live your life on the edge being vibrant and fearless every waking moment we have the power to plan our happiness , plan our success and plan to make life an adventure. Life happens there are highs and lows more highs and more lows but that does not have to mean we have to live without hope or excitement . Make life your play ground and each time you fall off the monkey bars be sure to get back up take notes and responsibility for your actions that led you there and forgive yourself and keep pushing past your limits.

The Only Impossible Journey Is The One You Never Begin.

– Tony Robbins

Take A Stand

Many of us can agree that we have been either taught or informed on the importance of knowing what our core values , beliefs , and protecting the things and people that we love and cherish the most are. The reality is there will come a time or on many occasions in life that we will find ourselves stuck between a rock and hard place having to choose between standing on your core values and beliefs or compromising them to please everyone outside of yourself. Life is about choices and the choices we make daily has an impact on us in the present and can have very critical effects in the future. The question is what are you more committed to temporary satisfaction and comfort or long term benefits and value being added to your future self? I ask this question to shed light on the fact that while there will be many people that will say that their core values and beliefs are important it isn’t until the right amount of pressure is applied we may witness a shift. While everyone has core values and belief systems not everyone has the will power to stand firm on them without ever compromising them no matter how great the pressure is. Life is like a card game where we do not get to choose the hand we are dealt in advance but once or hand is dealt we have one or two options, which are to play the hand that has been dealt or fold. The difference between a card game and real life is that unfortunately we are not awarded the privilege to trade our life for a new one of our presence.

Our core values and beliefs are formed on many different factors such as our culture or background, our upbringing, and can even be based on our like’s or dislike. My faith , my vision for my life , my family, my peace of mind and happiness are my core values and things that I consider to be a priority in my life. A few years ago when I first started my career as a medical assistant in the Gastroenterology department, I was excited for many reasons . I was excited to be employed full time a year after graduating trade school, I was excited to be able to receive benefits and a good paying position. As the song states “ the more money the more problems” Is a statement that we hear but we do not truly understand it until we experience what it means to actually be in a a high paid position but feeling broke and unhappy daily. As time passed working there I learned two things about myself, the first thing I learned was that I only believed that these things made me happy because they represented what I have been taught is success, the second thing I learned was that I was more interested in obtaining true success and not the expected idea of what success is. I was a full time employee , I had paid time off and vacation , I had health benefits , savings and retirement plans but what I did not have was joy, peace of mind , I lacked passion and excitement daily. On June 16, 2016 I made a decision to reclaim my time and e in control of my peace , my joy and my time, one of the best decisions I have ever made. From that day on I vowed to be committed to the things that are important to be that brings me fulfillment and joy I understand that everyday would not be easy but I was open to the uncertainty of each day and embracing them with an open mind and heart.

You Can Choose To Stand For Something Or Choose To Fall For Anything, The Choice IS Yours .

While we are taught that going to college , getting a well paid career to fund our cost of living, were we taught to make our happiness and priority , how often are we allowed to be free in our beliefs to make choices that may not be the same as the people we know but are respected and accepted? It is not very common to be accepted or understood when you make choices that goes up against traditional views and beliefs and that is okay. This does mean that the way you choose to live your life is wrong and theirs is wrong or vise versa what it means is that we have to grow to a place to fully accept our uniqueness without needing or seeking approval or acceptance of anyone. We all have been awarded access to the freedom and power of choice, and it is our responsibility to choose what is best for us right now and will have a great impact on our future self. While we have to live and enjoy the present moments we must also always be mindful of the fact that every decision we make in the past present or future they all have the ability have an effect or impact on our life good or bad. Stand up for the things you believe in stand firm in your faith and no matter what the challenges we are faced with do not compromise your faith , your freedom , your happiness , your gifts , your time , and all that is important to you. We have one life to live and we owe it to ourselves to live our best fulfilled life , we all are worthy and capable of creating a the life that we desire.