Rising Fearlessly
/“Be Fearless In What Sets Your Soul On Fire.”
The life we desire to live is right on the other side of fear and the limits we create in our mind , the moment we choose to become limitless in our pursuits is the moment we give ourselves permission to soar freely. Limits are created out of fear , many of us have the greatest fear of failing and as an effect we never get started. The truth is believe it or not the presence of fear can be a good thing if we allow ourselves to feel fear and still take action. The time we take to think of all the reasons that our vision is impossible if we can invest that same amount of time and effort into seeing why it is possible the more fearless we become. Being fearless does not mean to be without fear , what it means is that when we are able to feel fear and match it with consistent action daily the less we fear. The moment you set a goal for yourself if fear does not kick in that simply means you are aiming too low or staying within your comfort zone. The struggle is necessary getting and it will require much discomfort to push us to where we need to be, for example when a woman is with child and her due date has passed we draw a conclusion that the baby is comfortable, which means there is no rush to be born. Although that is not a factual statement because we truly do not know why things vary during pregnancies and child birth we understand that is a natural order. When I was pregnant three weeks before my due date it was safe to say she was uncomfortable and when one is uncomfortable they fight and push to get out of that space. I share these examples to paint a clear picture of the benefits of being open to getting uncomfortable because it assists us into taking action which produces results.
A vision without prayer , a plan, and action is simply just a dream , once we have the vision there are some very important and necessary steps we must stake. The first step is understanding that our vision is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to commit our plans unto Him to receive insights on the direction we must take. The second step is patiently working but not any kind of work the work I speak on is the work that must be done within ourselves. Why? As we take steps into bringing our dreams to reality we must be prepared to take on life challenges that will be present today , tomorrow , and forever, the best preparation is a daily commitment to personal development of the mind , body , and soul. “life is happening “ this is one of the most common reasons we all have either heard or been guilty of allowing to be our reason to not accomplish our goals or making progress. Life is not out to get anyone there is no one person that is created with more favor or super powers that separates them from others, what separates us is the way we think. The quality of our thoughts are shaped by the quality of our life based on daily choices that are made , every moment alive we should be consciously making investments. We must always make sure that we are not wasting precious time by spending time engaging in things and with people that are not serving us or adding value. Life is short but it is how we lived while we are here that will go on long after we are gone. Mastering self understanding and knowing who we are at the core is key thriving in life and our goals.
The real magic that every human being living can perform is to change our mindset , once we change our mindset then and only then will our life begin to change. 100% of how we react or respond to life has everything to do with our perception and our perception is built on our level of understanding, past and present experiences. When we learn to master self and are committed to personal development daily we are becoming equipped with the tools we need to experience shifts and changes in life without internalizing them. Life can be as simple as we make it or it can be as difficult as we make it, when we understand that everything and everyone we experience has a purpose the easier it is for us to get through the constant changes and struggles we face. Everything we need is already within us and everything that we will experience in our life has already been written by God, we know that God makes no mistakes so it we must trust the process an the timing of our lives. Instead of being in a hurry to get out of your current storms be patient to grow through them with much gratitude for what is in store for us. Make life your playground or even even better your amusement park filled with lots of adventures learning to appreciate them all because they are simply just chapters in our book the legacy we hope to leave behind.
“Hey You ;
You Have Had The Power All Along.”