Balancing Life & Purpose
/Each day we are gifted with the blessing of a new day we have no knowledge of what the day has in store for us, what we are most certain about is our goals and desires for the day. In the midst of having desires and goals we are often challenged with life the constant battle to balance life ,the things and people that are important to us. While there are few that have figured out a formula that works to have it all there are many that have. In fact sticking to the traditions of life is not creating balance it is just another form of creating limits on ones life and staying in the safe of what we have always known, what makes us comfortable , and what will be accepted, and approved by others. The limits we allow ourselves and traditions to lock us into will only hurt us in the long run, life is simple , short , and filled with lots of adventure. Living only in your comfort zone, risk free , never going after your dreams robs you of the true and full experience of life. The art of creating balance in your life requires us to take charge of our life, making decisions that will not always make sense to others but will make life much more fulfilling and rewarding for you. As the days , months , years , and seasons change , it is important that we are growing and evolving daily in our thinking and our being. It is important to check in with yourself and ask yourself “Am I truly living or am I existing?”, “am I creating balance in my life or staying within my limits?”
As a wife , mother , and entrepreneur the idea of balance can be quite scary and difficult at times depending on the choice that needs to be made at the time. The reality is there will always be sacrifices that must be made even when they make us uncomfortable. One of the ways I have learned to create balance is by identifying the pros and the cons of the choice that I have to make , once I am clear on the benefits and the disadvantages I analyze the cause and effect by asking myself what am I willing to sacrifice and will it benefit me in the long run. The truth is while it is important that we live presently in the moment it is important that when it comes to making very important decisions that we are not only focused on the instant but very temporary gratification. The things that may feel great In the moment may not always feel great later on ,and many times we must be willing to sacrifice those temporary quick fixes in order to make choices that has long term benefits for not only us but for the people we love. For example when we think about becoming a home owner the idea is usually planted in our minds from a very early age that becoming a home owner by a certain age and time is a must. We live with that seed growing in our minds as a thing that we must do not the thing we desire to, without every taking a moment to ask ourselves are we ready to be a home owner or an even better question to ask yourself “why do I want to become a home owner before taking on this responsibility. The reality is once we make choices that have nothing to do with us we must remember that all the opinions of others or expectations of others will not be able or willing to help you get out once you realize that this may not have been the best decision for you. Choose to make choices for your life based on who you are, who you desire to be, and the kind of life you envision for yourself.
In closing I want to share with you that one of the keys to creating true balance in your Is to prioritize the things that are important to you and let go of the things that causes you to compromise them. The truth is no matter what path you are on in life whether it is In a career field , pursuing your dreams, building a brand or business it is possible to have it all but at the cost of unlearning and detatching from all the things that do not serve you. We must always be willing to take a stand for our peace , our happiness , our joy , and our vision for life, everyone will have an opinion but not everyone will agree with the choices you make. Life is all about choices and every waking moment it is extremely important that we are mindful and conscious of the choices we are making as they have the power to make us or break us. Self forgiveness is also a very important key to balancing life and thriving in our daily life , we will not always make the best choices but I want you to remember that even those poor choices have value because they are what I consider to be teachable moments in life. As we experience lessons it is important that no matter how painful it is to not allow that experience to only result In hurt and resentment. Appreciate the blessings and be wise enough to apply the lessons that we have been blessed. Unapologetically allow yourself to create balance and room for mistakes in your life , because while there are few things that are in our control there are many that are out of our control we must always remember that they too come with great purpose for our life.
“Balance Is Not Something You Find
It Is Something You Create.”