Success Is A Choice

“Greater is coming “there are so many things in life that we may never be able to change or understand and that right there is the beauty about the mystery of life. It is not our job to try to figure out the why of everything, but the purpose of the experience is our responsibility, it is important that we see our experiences as a blessed opportunity for growth. In order to grow we must be open to the process so that we can have clarity on what it is that we need in that moment and the lesson that we are meant to learn. Some tests are harder than others and some tests lasts longer than others, the thing that we all must be prepared to accept is that some the tests we are faced  comes with lessons that are meant to shed light on our truths  about  who we are being , how we think , talk , and the actions we take daily . The hardest challenge for most people to experience is facing their own ugly truth. To look yourself in the mirror and honest enough to tell yourself what others may be too afraid or unwilling to say or the truth that you may be avoiding. While there many different forms of motivation and great suggestions that we have access to and are offered to us it is still up to us to decide what it is that we need and  what are we willing to do in order to make progress. The problem is when we find ourselves at a crossroad, we go on a hunt trying to figure it and attempting to solve a problem by working on the obvious but losing sight of the real internal work that is needed. It is important that we understand that even in what may feel like failure is a blessing and an opportunity to start fresh and redirect our focus.



The number one struggle for many of us as we journey through life is our ability to make choices not just any choice but the right choices. Too often we are so focused on the what if we are not making the right choice that we begin to procrastinate , yes while it is very important to not do anything in haste it is also important that we don’t waste too much time being doubtful. The only way to know if we have made the best the decision or the wrong one is to start buy praying and choosing to take action if it is not the right decision we must trust that God will redirect us , and if we have made the best decision we will know through commitment. How do you know if you have made the right decision? Is a question that I myself have often asked when I am faced with an opposition that requires for me to decide. The answer is I do not know immediately if I have made the right decision, why? Because life has a way of testing us even on the very things, we say we want by challenging us to see how bad we want. It gets challenging before it all begins to unfold into the vision we desire to manifest. When I decided to quit my job the first thing I said to myself was that “now is the  perfect time for me to take a risk because I have no kids or major responsibilities that I have to consider that may hold me back.” I made that decision on June 14, 2016 and by August 2016 I was newlywed and I found out that I was almost 10 weeks pregnant. I was confused I was scared I even had thoughts that maybe this was not the right choice and instantly I was now in auto control or as I know it to be survival mode. The plans and the vision I had there was no baby and wife responsibilities in that right at the beginning so immediately I felt like my vision was impossible and now I would have to put that on hold until the time was right. I committed to taking the route that I was comfortable with I went on a job hunt which I got in a week working at a car dealership. I knew nothing about cars, but I knew that I was going to have to learn because I felt like I had no other choice. I worked there for four months I enjoyed connecting with new people daily I was doing well selling cars and soon after I got comfortable and I forgot about my original plan and I began to make plans for after maternity leave the days and hours I desired to work once I returned. The joke was on me because after having my daughter and was ready to go back to work I was hit with the news that I no longer had a position, so here I was right back where I started. I continued to try to figure things out all on my own and needing to control my environment until I got exhausted in my search and surrendered. I was reminded through self-reflection of the declaration I made on June 14th that as of that day I was no longer setting for less than I deserved or playing it safe I knew that I had to get my head in the game.


Success Is Not An Accident You Have The Option Of Choosing Success Or Excuses , What Will You Choose ?

- Shanett McNeill

The saying goes be careful what you wish or pray for and most importantly be mindful of the words in which you speak over your life. The knowing if you have made the right decision that clarity may not come to us in the form of a simple yes or no, so be open to the possibility that it may come in the form of tests. The truth is this is the time when most people run and give up on their vision in the process because they misunderstand the purpose of the challenges they are faced with. Making the right decision does not mean that it will be easier and that everything will work according to our liking, making the right decisions is not the hard part it Is the process of seeing it through is where it becomes challenging. The road will not always be easy, but it will be worth it if you stick with it. one of my favorite quotes I rely on as a reminder to keep pushing is “when the going gets tough the tough get’s going.” In order for us to grow in strength we must be willing and ready to be put to the test. Every day that we are blessed with 24 hours make living and learning a priority, do not be content with the existing daily without purpose. Where there is life there is much room for challenges, where challenges are there is much room for lessons, where there are lessons there is opportunity to receive new blessings and for growth to take place. It is important that we do not allow our circumstances and life experiences to break us, instead be open to the transformative process to live on purpose with purpose. Accept what is, appreciate the past, embrace the new, and celebrate every level of progress that is made in your life daily. In life you always have the power of choice no matter what your circumstances or  what your past has been like, what is important is that you utilize your power based on the present moment of what is available to you and in your control.

Mission I'M Possible

The one constant thing in life is change, but that does not mean we ever get used to it or fully embrace it. If we all kept a log of how many times, we experienced life changing events and how we felt or responded each time I am sure not many of us can say that we were comfortable or excited about it. Although we know that change is constant, we it still always comes with the element of surprise to us all. In life there are different levels of growth and for each level there are new tests and greater challenges that we are faced with. There are many different methods and ideas that come to mind when we are faced with adversities but the primary feeling that is present first and can sometimes persist for longer than we want it to be is fear. The fear of new, the fear of failing, the fear of losing all that you have, the sad truth is although fear is very real and not uncommon to feel it is a choice to remain fearful. It is okay to feel fear, but it is does not serve our benefit us to allow fear take away our power of choice and deeming our chances of overcoming challenges as impossible. The more we surrender to fear the harder it becomes to replace the feeling of defeat to feeling empowered by what we do have access to and what is in our control. The good news is that although in the midst of adversities there are many reasons to cry, to worry, to complain always remember that there are also many things to be thankful for, to smile about, and to embrace. New solves all if the very things that we have always done are no longer a challenge or putting us into a position to elevate our mind, body, and spirit it is time to get to do things differently.


In life we can all agree that we can be creatures of habit meaning that once we have mastered the art of doing something we get comfortable and we now have a sense of security because now we are in complete control of the input and the output. The desire to be in control of everything and everyone around us is to act in fear, anything that is unfamiliar or out of or normal comfort zone becomes a threat to our well-being and survival instinct. The problem is we all have been taught how to survive by staying away from challenges and commit to doing just enough to stay afloat, where thriving requires for us to be open and receptive to change and taking risks. The key to transitioning from operating in survival mode to thriving is to let go of what you know and make room for what you do not know and have not experienced before. It is not what we know that will hurt us it is what we don’t know and are afraid to learn that will hurt us. Growing up with a Caribbean background there was a lot of rules and high expectations that were placed on me some were for my well-being some was based on status, approval, and acceptance. When you come from a place that is considered as being less fortunate than others you have to fight and  work twice as hard to achieve more and get to a place that is recognized as worthy which puts us in a constant state of competing . In competing we lose sight of what is that we truly want to do and are called to do because we are more focused on doing what makes sense or is considered to be the right or traditional way. I graduated high school with a plan that had nothing to do with my dreams but everything to do with surviving and getting by. I made quick decision without thought because the only options I believed I had was to make sure that I looked like I was doing something worth taking about. Eventually I became comfortable with the idea of settling as long as I believed it was worth it or benefitting me but without rewarding me emotionally, physically or mentally.


I Am Possible Because God’s Love Is Unconditional , With Him All Things Are Possible.
- Shanett McNeill

The reality is that is most of our stories being prisoners to the temporary right now gratification that we are unwilling to work for the long term rewards that have nothing to with monetary things but everything to do with our well-being and existence as a person. Life is so much more than what we accomplish and doing what we can to get by daily, life is what we make it but we cannot experience life in fullness if we are too comfortable to step outside of what we have always known to experience  what we don’t know. It’s like the saying goes you never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option, that is exactly what we do with change. We commit to going through the motions daily unmotivated and uninspired by anything just content with getting through routines that are not serving us internally. I say this to you all today this season that we are in may seem out to be out of our control but, what is in our control is who we are willing to become. There is no better moment than the present to choose you, to choose to begin to live a life of faith, purpose, and passion. Get so comfortable with being uncomfortable that you are able to experience change feel the emotions, accept it and rise to the occasion. The word impossible if separated says “I’m possible “which means that you already have what it takes to succeed, to win and thrive in life. This is not the time to be defeated this not the time to settle this is not the time to give up, this is time to choose strength over fear. Life is happening life is always happening and, but it is happening for us!

Live With Passion

“One of the beautiful effects of living your passion is that it inspires other people to live in theirs.” -Unknown. The greatest fact of life that is often overlooked or ignored by many knowingly and unknowingly is that our sole purpose in life is to Love God, and love our neighbors as we do ourselves. We live in a world that sees everything and everyone as separate, the focus is to compare and compete. In reality we have so much more in common and share a greater connection than we share differences , the differences that often creates separation is based on what a person looks like , talk like , what they have or don’t have , their backgrounds etc. I am sure we all have heard the theory to never judge a book by the cover, which was accurate then and still very accurate today, everything and everyone is not always as they appear and claim to be. Daily we are influenced and impacted through many different resources the number one platform is the internet primarily through social sites. While many enjoy it there are others that don’t, while some take advantage of the benefits that it provides , there are those that their only mission is to spread hate and negativity, and then there are those that spend time complaining about the misuse of the these platforms but are not willing to be a part of the solution. I believe that we all have a responsibility to be the change that we desire to see in the world , if one is able to observe and see the wrong in the world and what is missing we have the choice to commit to making a difference, you can either be apart  of the problem or apart of the solution but you cannot just stand on the side line dictating and criticizing others for their choices whether we agree with them or not.


I started Unapologetic Happiness a little over two years ago which became one of the best decisions I have ever made to invest in my mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. It was not just about starting a business for me it was about creating a safe space for people to see possibilities and learn how to exercise their secret power of just as I have. I committed to taking people on a journey with me, going from a full time employed medical assistant to making a choice to reclaim my time by living with purpose and passion. The greatest rewards came from me not only encouraging others with words but to inspire them through my consistent action of personal development of my mind, body, and spirit. The more  time I invested in becoming the best version of myself the more excited I became about life, and the more excited I was the more passionate I became about helping others to see what is possible and available to each and everyone of them if they  choose it. Has this journey always been easy? No, life was consistently happening each and every day, but I knew I had two options which were one I could continue to take a stand for myself and others or I can continue to show up for myself and others. I believe that when you have connected with God and have been connected to what your true purpose is in life you learn that it is bigger than just you so showing up becomes a non-negotiable.  Have the thought of What would we do or where would be if God was inconsistent with his love and when he shows up for us? we would be in trouble. Our purpose is a gift from God, and I vowed to never take for granted the mission that have been assigned to me.


There Is No Passion To Be Found In Settling For A Life That Is Less Than The One You Are Capable Of Living.

-Nelson Mandela

There is a time and a season to be selfish and there is also a time and a season to be selfless, our past experiences, our current circumstances, and the mistakes we make have no more power than we allThat ow them to have. Everyday when you rise if you have not found your true purpose in life yet start your mission of finding it by seeking God first.  I pray that you find great comfort in knowing that you too were created with great purpose and it does not matter how long it takes for you to get there, what matters is what you do with it when you receive it . Who are you willing to become?  Always remember that after the storms joy always come in the morning and each morning God gifts us with new. We have been taught to be afraid of the unknown or opportunities that we consider to be too good to be true, so we spend our entire lives looking for the bad to happen. Allow your life to unfold without force, regret our resentment, everything and I mean everything we experience has a purpose. While we are all on a mission of self-mastery and obtaining true success let us live each day on fire in faith and passionate about the journey, we are on to becoming the best version of ourselves and be open to inspiring others along the way.  Operating in your purpose does require perfection it requires commitment, consistency, faith, and selflessness to show up not because you feel like it but because it is bigger than you. Live in the moment as you actively pursue your goals in life while making a difference in the lives of others.

Renew Your Vows

Marriage is a commitment between two people that requires love, attention, consistency, trust, honesty, friendship, and faithfulness it also requires constant work. The relationships we have with the people we love dearly requires a lot of work and in most cases, we are always committed to making things work out for the best. Losing someone you love is very difficult to handle weather it is caused by death, separation, or disagreements, time, and distance. The question I would love to ask today is how is your relationship with God?  In this moment our life as we know it has come to a halt, where everyone in the world is experiencing a shift not just a physical shift but a spiritual, mental, and emotional one. We are all seeking answers desperately looking for it to make sense, there is also fear lingering heavy in the air and so many are asking where is God in the midst of all of this? Secondly while many are crying, worrying, and living in a constant state of fear expecting God to show up never taking a second to consider how they have been showing for God? One of the most looked over ironies in life is where we go through life setting rules and expectation of how we want people to love us , respect us, give us time and honesty but we do not have the discipline to give that which we seek to God. I ask this question to shed light to a major struggle in our spiritual lives not to make anyone wrong, but with great expectation that may able to look at ourselves in the mirror and face the reality. Having integrity to be honest enough to check ourselves by asking ourselves those difficult questions and being honest with yourself. I shared a video blog this past week titled “this is the moment that the world never knew we needed” Why? Because during our sleepless nights, complaints, and worries God hears them even when we are too broken or loss to know or remember to call on Him, but He always answers prayers, but it is important that we are present to receive, the things that are good for us are not easy to digest.



Being a wife, mother, and an entrepreneur that runs her own personal training sessions and life coaching forums it requires for me to be productively busy 90% of the day. Being productive is good but what this time has allowed me to truly get present to is the fact that in life even when we are doing the right thing we still need to be sat down. The truth is before the announcement of all businesses being closed for a two-weeks to be on quarantine, I experienced moments where I was subconsciously praying about getting a break to regroup. Taking a break can be a very challenging task when you have so many people relying on you , in order  for your business to operate you have to be up and moving,  especially if you are a person like me with a very strict work ethic. Naturally the first two weeks I struggled with accepting this pause in life as we know it and had become so distracted by the decrease in my energy, my creative mind was blank, and I had no words of inspiration to give. Through prayer I was reminded that God answers prayers it is us that has to be ready to accept His will to be done. The secret of coping through those moments is to understand that sometimes His will may not be easy to accept or to our liking, but he also gives us the tool and the power to overcome them. In those two weeks of rest I committed to resting to be rejuvenated physically and mentally, which was good, but I knew I needed more something different. I have always been a woman that enjoys worshiping and learning about The word, but I will admit I was forced to analyze some harsh truths about myself. I had gotten to a place where I was living with a tight  schedule  but there was only one time slot set aside for prayer and worship , yes it is possible to pray any where  but the prayer and  worship I knew I needed was one that was not cut short or limited  by daily outside commitments , unfortunately  I allowed myself to settle with the valid excuses I had. The truth is by allowing myself to accept what is and focus on the power and the love Of God I am filled with peace and clarity of what He needs me to learn in this season and the path I must take.


Without Commitment You Cannot Have Depth In Anything Whether It’s A Relationship, A Business Or A Hobby.

In closing I pray that where you are today does not limit your ability to open our minds and hearts and ask God to renew us and guide us through these challenging moments in life. It is easy to give up, it is easy to lose hope and question Him but trusting Him with our whole heart rewards us with so much more than living in constant fear can do for us. Is life happening? yes, is life happening to everyone? Yes, here is some more amazing facts for you; life is happening for us everything that we are experiencing in this moment is right on time and we will get through this. How are you coming out of this storm? It is natural to feel fear when we are pushed out of our comfort zones, but it is our duty to not be consumed or defeated mentally and spiritually.  We must continue to stand guard at the door of our minds and be in control of the words we speak over our life. We cannot predict the future, but we can create in our present moment, the energy and time being put into to complaining and worrying I dear you to  redirect it to praying, trusting God, and being at peace while we patiently wait for the storm to pass. Time is of the essence  and  life is short so be present be open minded and ready to live each moment to the fullest but be sure to take  breaks to smell the roses , and  when you are blessed with life experiences don’t be  so defeated that you miss the  life lessons that is meant to prepare  you to walk into new levels. Each day when you rise consider it a new and blessed opportunity to honor your vows to God , “ thank you Jesus for this day give me peace , give  me strength to remain focused and committed you in all that I do Amen”.

Accepting What Is

You Can Choose To Let Life Get The Best Of You
Or You Can Choose To Live Your Best Life.
Ultimately A Choice Has To Be Made ,And The Choice Is Yours To Make.

- Shanett McNeill

I believe that one of the greatest reasons why we struggle with thriving in life is due to the lacking ability to accept what is. We have created stories that supports our theory of needing to be in control of what is happening and the outcome. The truth is we really do not have control of either, the good news is we do have the power to be in control of self. The thoughts we have, the way we are responding, and our perspective, we can choose to see the good in everything or we can choose to see the bad in everything. What is true is that there is always a silver lining in every situation and experience we are having; the struggle is in not being open to the possibility that all things are happening with great purpose. Our attitude sets the tone for our day or even greater it sets the tone for our life, what are some of the thoughts you have first thing In the morning? How are you responding to your daily experiences are you making them mean something about you based on your past?  Our thoughts shape our reality and if we are unable to get complete with our past experiences, we allow them to define us and even worse limits our abilities to learn and attractive new and exciting things in our life.  Do you wish to live an abundant life filled with joy, or are you willing to choose joy and believe that you are worthy of an abundant life?


While many are content with being told what to and how to live, there are others that are just unaware of the power that they possess within, and there are few that are present and aware of the power of choice that is within us. In life we always have options, but I believe that it is important that we focus on two very important choices that we have access to. We can choose to see the experience as a problem, or we can choose to see the opposition as an opportunity to learn a new lesson which may add value to your future self.  We can choose to try to solve all of our  problems as a life detectives or we can choose to create solutions by becoming a solution oriented individual , one who experience adversities  and  allowing  themselves to be present to their emotions without dwelling but accepting what is and taking action. In March of 2017 I became a mother three weeks earlier than I anticipated but that was now my reality, four months postpartum I leaned that I was black balled from my job. The new norm for me was a new mother, a new wife, and unemployed. I had two options I can use this time wisely or I can waste time dwelling on how unfair it was and what I did not deserve. I chose to use the time wisely and work harder on me than trying to solve problems that were out of my control. The choice I  made three years ago changed my life for the greater good and I grew to understand that the adversity I faced was the thing that I never knew I needed, it was the best thing that could have happened to me at that time. I know that may sound strange, believe me if you asked me when I was in it, I could not see the purpose but by letting go and continuing to move forward I was reconnected to how amazing God’s love is. my true self, my true purpose, and the power I have within me. Today I am blessed to say what I gained is worth more than what I thought I needed then.


In closing I want to leave you all with this reminder that God loves us and his will for us is great , the next time you are faced with adversity be open to the possibility that God has something greater for you in store. Instead of wasting time wishing and hoping for life to be easier begin the process of getting prepared mentally, physically, and emotionally. Anything worth having in life does not come easy but you must have the will to win to keep praying, and working patiently for it. Change your language and allow your thoughts to be pure and manifest into words that promotes happiness and positivity into everyday life. Today I am alive and well, thank you God for this beautiful gift of life, I pray for peace, and the strength to get through today being present, hopeful, and open to life. By making a declaration over your life you set the tone for a winning and empowered day by consulting God to guide you and give you peace and strength is key. We all are worthy of living a full and blessed life and we all have what it takes to win. It is our responsibility to let go of what was, accept what is, and use what you have present to get where you are destined to be. Lose the desire to control life and others around you instead focus on you and who you are being daily.