Mission I'M Possible
The one constant thing in life is change, but that does not mean we ever get used to it or fully embrace it. If we all kept a log of how many times, we experienced life changing events and how we felt or responded each time I am sure not many of us can say that we were comfortable or excited about it. Although we know that change is constant, we it still always comes with the element of surprise to us all. In life there are different levels of growth and for each level there are new tests and greater challenges that we are faced with. There are many different methods and ideas that come to mind when we are faced with adversities but the primary feeling that is present first and can sometimes persist for longer than we want it to be is fear. The fear of new, the fear of failing, the fear of losing all that you have, the sad truth is although fear is very real and not uncommon to feel it is a choice to remain fearful. It is okay to feel fear, but it is does not serve our benefit us to allow fear take away our power of choice and deeming our chances of overcoming challenges as impossible. The more we surrender to fear the harder it becomes to replace the feeling of defeat to feeling empowered by what we do have access to and what is in our control. The good news is that although in the midst of adversities there are many reasons to cry, to worry, to complain always remember that there are also many things to be thankful for, to smile about, and to embrace. New solves all if the very things that we have always done are no longer a challenge or putting us into a position to elevate our mind, body, and spirit it is time to get to do things differently.
In life we can all agree that we can be creatures of habit meaning that once we have mastered the art of doing something we get comfortable and we now have a sense of security because now we are in complete control of the input and the output. The desire to be in control of everything and everyone around us is to act in fear, anything that is unfamiliar or out of or normal comfort zone becomes a threat to our well-being and survival instinct. The problem is we all have been taught how to survive by staying away from challenges and commit to doing just enough to stay afloat, where thriving requires for us to be open and receptive to change and taking risks. The key to transitioning from operating in survival mode to thriving is to let go of what you know and make room for what you do not know and have not experienced before. It is not what we know that will hurt us it is what we don’t know and are afraid to learn that will hurt us. Growing up with a Caribbean background there was a lot of rules and high expectations that were placed on me some were for my well-being some was based on status, approval, and acceptance. When you come from a place that is considered as being less fortunate than others you have to fight and work twice as hard to achieve more and get to a place that is recognized as worthy which puts us in a constant state of competing . In competing we lose sight of what is that we truly want to do and are called to do because we are more focused on doing what makes sense or is considered to be the right or traditional way. I graduated high school with a plan that had nothing to do with my dreams but everything to do with surviving and getting by. I made quick decision without thought because the only options I believed I had was to make sure that I looked like I was doing something worth taking about. Eventually I became comfortable with the idea of settling as long as I believed it was worth it or benefitting me but without rewarding me emotionally, physically or mentally.
“I Am Possible Because God’s Love Is Unconditional , With Him All Things Are Possible.
- Shanett McNeill”
The reality is that is most of our stories being prisoners to the temporary right now gratification that we are unwilling to work for the long term rewards that have nothing to with monetary things but everything to do with our well-being and existence as a person. Life is so much more than what we accomplish and doing what we can to get by daily, life is what we make it but we cannot experience life in fullness if we are too comfortable to step outside of what we have always known to experience what we don’t know. It’s like the saying goes you never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option, that is exactly what we do with change. We commit to going through the motions daily unmotivated and uninspired by anything just content with getting through routines that are not serving us internally. I say this to you all today this season that we are in may seem out to be out of our control but, what is in our control is who we are willing to become. There is no better moment than the present to choose you, to choose to begin to live a life of faith, purpose, and passion. Get so comfortable with being uncomfortable that you are able to experience change feel the emotions, accept it and rise to the occasion. The word impossible if separated says “I’m possible “which means that you already have what it takes to succeed, to win and thrive in life. This is not the time to be defeated this not the time to settle this is not the time to give up, this is time to choose strength over fear. Life is happening life is always happening and, but it is happening for us!