Renew Your Vows
Marriage is a commitment between two people that requires love, attention, consistency, trust, honesty, friendship, and faithfulness it also requires constant work. The relationships we have with the people we love dearly requires a lot of work and in most cases, we are always committed to making things work out for the best. Losing someone you love is very difficult to handle weather it is caused by death, separation, or disagreements, time, and distance. The question I would love to ask today is how is your relationship with God? In this moment our life as we know it has come to a halt, where everyone in the world is experiencing a shift not just a physical shift but a spiritual, mental, and emotional one. We are all seeking answers desperately looking for it to make sense, there is also fear lingering heavy in the air and so many are asking where is God in the midst of all of this? Secondly while many are crying, worrying, and living in a constant state of fear expecting God to show up never taking a second to consider how they have been showing for God? One of the most looked over ironies in life is where we go through life setting rules and expectation of how we want people to love us , respect us, give us time and honesty but we do not have the discipline to give that which we seek to God. I ask this question to shed light to a major struggle in our spiritual lives not to make anyone wrong, but with great expectation that may able to look at ourselves in the mirror and face the reality. Having integrity to be honest enough to check ourselves by asking ourselves those difficult questions and being honest with yourself. I shared a video blog this past week titled “this is the moment that the world never knew we needed” Why? Because during our sleepless nights, complaints, and worries God hears them even when we are too broken or loss to know or remember to call on Him, but He always answers prayers, but it is important that we are present to receive, the things that are good for us are not easy to digest.
Being a wife, mother, and an entrepreneur that runs her own personal training sessions and life coaching forums it requires for me to be productively busy 90% of the day. Being productive is good but what this time has allowed me to truly get present to is the fact that in life even when we are doing the right thing we still need to be sat down. The truth is before the announcement of all businesses being closed for a two-weeks to be on quarantine, I experienced moments where I was subconsciously praying about getting a break to regroup. Taking a break can be a very challenging task when you have so many people relying on you , in order for your business to operate you have to be up and moving, especially if you are a person like me with a very strict work ethic. Naturally the first two weeks I struggled with accepting this pause in life as we know it and had become so distracted by the decrease in my energy, my creative mind was blank, and I had no words of inspiration to give. Through prayer I was reminded that God answers prayers it is us that has to be ready to accept His will to be done. The secret of coping through those moments is to understand that sometimes His will may not be easy to accept or to our liking, but he also gives us the tool and the power to overcome them. In those two weeks of rest I committed to resting to be rejuvenated physically and mentally, which was good, but I knew I needed more something different. I have always been a woman that enjoys worshiping and learning about The word, but I will admit I was forced to analyze some harsh truths about myself. I had gotten to a place where I was living with a tight schedule but there was only one time slot set aside for prayer and worship , yes it is possible to pray any where but the prayer and worship I knew I needed was one that was not cut short or limited by daily outside commitments , unfortunately I allowed myself to settle with the valid excuses I had. The truth is by allowing myself to accept what is and focus on the power and the love Of God I am filled with peace and clarity of what He needs me to learn in this season and the path I must take.
“Without Commitment You Cannot Have Depth In Anything Whether It’s A Relationship, A Business Or A Hobby.”
In closing I pray that where you are today does not limit your ability to open our minds and hearts and ask God to renew us and guide us through these challenging moments in life. It is easy to give up, it is easy to lose hope and question Him but trusting Him with our whole heart rewards us with so much more than living in constant fear can do for us. Is life happening? yes, is life happening to everyone? Yes, here is some more amazing facts for you; life is happening for us everything that we are experiencing in this moment is right on time and we will get through this. How are you coming out of this storm? It is natural to feel fear when we are pushed out of our comfort zones, but it is our duty to not be consumed or defeated mentally and spiritually. We must continue to stand guard at the door of our minds and be in control of the words we speak over our life. We cannot predict the future, but we can create in our present moment, the energy and time being put into to complaining and worrying I dear you to redirect it to praying, trusting God, and being at peace while we patiently wait for the storm to pass. Time is of the essence and life is short so be present be open minded and ready to live each moment to the fullest but be sure to take breaks to smell the roses , and when you are blessed with life experiences don’t be so defeated that you miss the life lessons that is meant to prepare you to walk into new levels. Each day when you rise consider it a new and blessed opportunity to honor your vows to God , “ thank you Jesus for this day give me peace , give me strength to remain focused and committed you in all that I do Amen”.