Live With Passion
“One of the beautiful effects of living your passion is that it inspires other people to live in theirs.” -Unknown. The greatest fact of life that is often overlooked or ignored by many knowingly and unknowingly is that our sole purpose in life is to Love God, and love our neighbors as we do ourselves. We live in a world that sees everything and everyone as separate, the focus is to compare and compete. In reality we have so much more in common and share a greater connection than we share differences , the differences that often creates separation is based on what a person looks like , talk like , what they have or don’t have , their backgrounds etc. I am sure we all have heard the theory to never judge a book by the cover, which was accurate then and still very accurate today, everything and everyone is not always as they appear and claim to be. Daily we are influenced and impacted through many different resources the number one platform is the internet primarily through social sites. While many enjoy it there are others that don’t, while some take advantage of the benefits that it provides , there are those that their only mission is to spread hate and negativity, and then there are those that spend time complaining about the misuse of the these platforms but are not willing to be a part of the solution. I believe that we all have a responsibility to be the change that we desire to see in the world , if one is able to observe and see the wrong in the world and what is missing we have the choice to commit to making a difference, you can either be apart of the problem or apart of the solution but you cannot just stand on the side line dictating and criticizing others for their choices whether we agree with them or not.
I started Unapologetic Happiness a little over two years ago which became one of the best decisions I have ever made to invest in my mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. It was not just about starting a business for me it was about creating a safe space for people to see possibilities and learn how to exercise their secret power of just as I have. I committed to taking people on a journey with me, going from a full time employed medical assistant to making a choice to reclaim my time by living with purpose and passion. The greatest rewards came from me not only encouraging others with words but to inspire them through my consistent action of personal development of my mind, body, and spirit. The more time I invested in becoming the best version of myself the more excited I became about life, and the more excited I was the more passionate I became about helping others to see what is possible and available to each and everyone of them if they choose it. Has this journey always been easy? No, life was consistently happening each and every day, but I knew I had two options which were one I could continue to take a stand for myself and others or I can continue to show up for myself and others. I believe that when you have connected with God and have been connected to what your true purpose is in life you learn that it is bigger than just you so showing up becomes a non-negotiable. Have the thought of What would we do or where would be if God was inconsistent with his love and when he shows up for us? we would be in trouble. Our purpose is a gift from God, and I vowed to never take for granted the mission that have been assigned to me.
“There Is No Passion To Be Found In Settling For A Life That Is Less Than The One You Are Capable Of Living.
-Nelson Mandela”
There is a time and a season to be selfish and there is also a time and a season to be selfless, our past experiences, our current circumstances, and the mistakes we make have no more power than we allThat ow them to have. Everyday when you rise if you have not found your true purpose in life yet start your mission of finding it by seeking God first. I pray that you find great comfort in knowing that you too were created with great purpose and it does not matter how long it takes for you to get there, what matters is what you do with it when you receive it . Who are you willing to become? Always remember that after the storms joy always come in the morning and each morning God gifts us with new. We have been taught to be afraid of the unknown or opportunities that we consider to be too good to be true, so we spend our entire lives looking for the bad to happen. Allow your life to unfold without force, regret our resentment, everything and I mean everything we experience has a purpose. While we are all on a mission of self-mastery and obtaining true success let us live each day on fire in faith and passionate about the journey, we are on to becoming the best version of ourselves and be open to inspiring others along the way. Operating in your purpose does require perfection it requires commitment, consistency, faith, and selflessness to show up not because you feel like it but because it is bigger than you. Live in the moment as you actively pursue your goals in life while making a difference in the lives of others.