Success Is A Choice
“Greater is coming “there are so many things in life that we may never be able to change or understand and that right there is the beauty about the mystery of life. It is not our job to try to figure out the why of everything, but the purpose of the experience is our responsibility, it is important that we see our experiences as a blessed opportunity for growth. In order to grow we must be open to the process so that we can have clarity on what it is that we need in that moment and the lesson that we are meant to learn. Some tests are harder than others and some tests lasts longer than others, the thing that we all must be prepared to accept is that some the tests we are faced comes with lessons that are meant to shed light on our truths about who we are being , how we think , talk , and the actions we take daily . The hardest challenge for most people to experience is facing their own ugly truth. To look yourself in the mirror and honest enough to tell yourself what others may be too afraid or unwilling to say or the truth that you may be avoiding. While there many different forms of motivation and great suggestions that we have access to and are offered to us it is still up to us to decide what it is that we need and what are we willing to do in order to make progress. The problem is when we find ourselves at a crossroad, we go on a hunt trying to figure it and attempting to solve a problem by working on the obvious but losing sight of the real internal work that is needed. It is important that we understand that even in what may feel like failure is a blessing and an opportunity to start fresh and redirect our focus.
The number one struggle for many of us as we journey through life is our ability to make choices not just any choice but the right choices. Too often we are so focused on the what if we are not making the right choice that we begin to procrastinate , yes while it is very important to not do anything in haste it is also important that we don’t waste too much time being doubtful. The only way to know if we have made the best the decision or the wrong one is to start buy praying and choosing to take action if it is not the right decision we must trust that God will redirect us , and if we have made the best decision we will know through commitment. How do you know if you have made the right decision? Is a question that I myself have often asked when I am faced with an opposition that requires for me to decide. The answer is I do not know immediately if I have made the right decision, why? Because life has a way of testing us even on the very things, we say we want by challenging us to see how bad we want. It gets challenging before it all begins to unfold into the vision we desire to manifest. When I decided to quit my job the first thing I said to myself was that “now is the perfect time for me to take a risk because I have no kids or major responsibilities that I have to consider that may hold me back.” I made that decision on June 14, 2016 and by August 2016 I was newlywed and I found out that I was almost 10 weeks pregnant. I was confused I was scared I even had thoughts that maybe this was not the right choice and instantly I was now in auto control or as I know it to be survival mode. The plans and the vision I had there was no baby and wife responsibilities in that right at the beginning so immediately I felt like my vision was impossible and now I would have to put that on hold until the time was right. I committed to taking the route that I was comfortable with I went on a job hunt which I got in a week working at a car dealership. I knew nothing about cars, but I knew that I was going to have to learn because I felt like I had no other choice. I worked there for four months I enjoyed connecting with new people daily I was doing well selling cars and soon after I got comfortable and I forgot about my original plan and I began to make plans for after maternity leave the days and hours I desired to work once I returned. The joke was on me because after having my daughter and was ready to go back to work I was hit with the news that I no longer had a position, so here I was right back where I started. I continued to try to figure things out all on my own and needing to control my environment until I got exhausted in my search and surrendered. I was reminded through self-reflection of the declaration I made on June 14th that as of that day I was no longer setting for less than I deserved or playing it safe I knew that I had to get my head in the game.
“Success Is Not An Accident You Have The Option Of Choosing Success Or Excuses , What Will You Choose ?
- Shanett McNeill”
The saying goes be careful what you wish or pray for and most importantly be mindful of the words in which you speak over your life. The knowing if you have made the right decision that clarity may not come to us in the form of a simple yes or no, so be open to the possibility that it may come in the form of tests. The truth is this is the time when most people run and give up on their vision in the process because they misunderstand the purpose of the challenges they are faced with. Making the right decision does not mean that it will be easier and that everything will work according to our liking, making the right decisions is not the hard part it Is the process of seeing it through is where it becomes challenging. The road will not always be easy, but it will be worth it if you stick with it. one of my favorite quotes I rely on as a reminder to keep pushing is “when the going gets tough the tough get’s going.” In order for us to grow in strength we must be willing and ready to be put to the test. Every day that we are blessed with 24 hours make living and learning a priority, do not be content with the existing daily without purpose. Where there is life there is much room for challenges, where challenges are there is much room for lessons, where there are lessons there is opportunity to receive new blessings and for growth to take place. It is important that we do not allow our circumstances and life experiences to break us, instead be open to the transformative process to live on purpose with purpose. Accept what is, appreciate the past, embrace the new, and celebrate every level of progress that is made in your life daily. In life you always have the power of choice no matter what your circumstances or what your past has been like, what is important is that you utilize your power based on the present moment of what is available to you and in your control.