Creative Process To Progress
What does living your best life looks and feel like? The phrase of living our best life is one that is used quite often especially in the last few years which lead me to asking this question. In my personal experience I won’t say that right now where I am in this present moment to be considered as me living my best life because I believe my best is yet to come. In this present moment I define it to be my creative process of living my best life. I have not yet accomplished all that I have desired for my life, I have not completed what I believe my purpose on earth is. we are all entitled to our own opinions and it is very natural that every one’s idea of what living their best life looks and feels like will not be the same. The reason I am writing this blog today is to encourage others to step back out of the trend of what's the new saying or new social media trend for a minute and take a step into reality. Invest time reflect and evaluate yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Ask yourself, am I really living my best life, do I feel like I am where I want to be, do I know where I want to be years from now?
The reason for centering the focus on these few but also very important questions is to inform and remind those who may already know that life is not about what you say you are or what we you do for self that matters, it is who we are committed to being that matters. For example, there are many individuals that rise up every day with the intention of convincing the world of how happy they appear to be, when internally they are feeling lost, confused. Instead of working to be better internally they spend more time portraying to the world that life is perfect. The clothes you wear , the shoes, the cars , the house you live in, the job or career you have is not a representation of living your best life .They are material things that years later their value will decrease and they will no longer mean as much to you the older you become and the more responsibilities you have .Having a vision for your life and creating a legacy , the kind of impact we should all be striving to achieve in the world is one that will be cherished and remembered the most.
“Innovation Is Seeing What Everybody Has Seen ,And Thinking What Nobody Has Thought.”
I am inspired and invested daily to encourage everyone reading especially my peers of today’s generation to invest more time into self-empowerment, spiritual healing, and evolving of the mind. Be mindful of the fact that we have so much more destined for our lives, but we must want it and be willing work for it. Our job is not to want to be like everyone else, keeping up with the latest trends and wearing the latest brands our mission is to find our purpose and live in it on purpose. The first step is having a spiritual relationship with God and getting connected with the higher power. The second step is taking care of our minds and bodies being aware of what we put into our mind and body, by practicing a healthy active lifestyle. Lastly really committing to applying all that you are learning and not compromising these core values then and only then will we truly experience the joys of life. Being at peace and happy with the beauty of feeling free from what we think we should be and what others expect from us. being true to ourselves, doing what we love, and being unapologetic about living in our purpose is how we create the foundation to living our best lives.