In life one of the most important qualities we must learn to master is the ability to be understanding and mindful of the fact that everyone Is doing their best and operating from their own level of consciousness. Having unrealistic expectations on each other will only breed chaos and tension. We are all different people from many different walks of life that are journeying from different back grounds, different belief systems and morals. Which means that not everyone will share the same views, and everyone will not have the same response or reaction to life changing events. While there are many things that we do not have control of there are somethings that are in our control. The way we respond to life is our responsibility, the way we receive each other is also our responsibility. We spend a lot of time internalizing our experiences which results in us allowing them to become a personal attack on our character, we also internalize people’s opinions and actions versus really listening to hear and understand what is being said. The life is not happening to us and everyone we experience are not on a mission to hurt us, the only thing hurting and holding us back is the lack of consciousness. It is important that we are investing time in learning who we are at the core, what our weaknesses are, what our strong suits are, and most importantly what are we holding on to.
Unfortunately, there are many people that are currently existing and journeying daily through the lenses of their past presently reliving hurtful experiences. The result of this is no matter what is happening around them whether positive or negative their perception is coming from a dark place which enables their thoughts to be their reality. As a result, there are people that are operating daily as victims of life by using their daily circumstances as a valid reason to complain and remain in distress as it gains much wanted attention with out being held responsible for creating solutions. Instead of creating solutions and healing many will find comfort and display false confidence through the areas of their lives in which they recognize to be their strong points. The focus in life should always be centered on being and not doing, why? There are a lot of us who are struggling with many different things but instead of being committed to doing the work and sorting through our issues we spend more time looking busy doing everything that looks good externally but nothing to do with what we truly need. It is very important to be in tune with ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually as it is our compass that promotes growth and increases our ability to thrive.
“The Key To Growth Is The Introduction Of Higher Dimensions Of Consciousness Into Our Awareness.”
In closing I want to remind and encourage you to remember that life is a journey, and everything is a process that requires patience and commitment. Placing blame limits our ability to grow no one is responsible for the life we choose to create; success is a choice and so is settling for less and allowing the past to define and determine your future. Invest time daily in knowing who you are and your worth and stop wasting time reliving the past and allowing it to affect who you are being. allow the past to be a reminder of your strength and not the definition of your worth. Pain has a purpose it Is our responsibility to rise up use the hand that we have been dealt and make the best of it. Winning begins in the mind our thoughts shape our reality, our duty is to be mindful of the thoughts we have and the words we speak over our life. Choose to make today the first day of the rest of your life, you are the author of your story each day that we are blessed with life is another opportunity to commit to being the best version of ourselves. Life is simple but life is also challenging but it is the challenges that builds our strength and increases our faith which makes it all worth it in the end. In the meantime, continue to work on developing the mind and healing so that we can fully enjoy this precious gift of life.