Detach & Reconnect With Self
‘No man Or woman is an island “we were not created to experience life alone, there is so much to learn and so much we can appreciate about life when we have people to share our stories with and vice versa. The irony about this very fact of life is that there will be moments when we will be tested and forced to make decisions that may be difficult and uncomfortable for us, but are very necessary. For every new level that we grow to there are new and greater requirements that is expected of us there are sacrifices to be made that may not feel good today but will benefit us in the long run. The downfall that many of struggle with is our desire to seek instant gratification, our need to please everyone, and never knowing how to accept that everything and everyone has a season and being open to letting go. Holding on to people and continuing to engage in places that are no longer serving us does us more of an injustice than it does to let go. It is okay to struggle with making difficult decisions, but it can be it can be simple if we choose to make it so by choosing what is more important to you.
Is thriving important to you? or is being accepted more important? Choosing to thrive is an unapologetic approach at life, not being afraid of separating and being alone in order to continue to bloom properly where we are planted. The places and people that we were once interested will not always be in our best interest once we have changed the direction of the way we are thinking and who we are being. As a baby a crib is a fitting space for us, when we become infants, toddlers, and older we can no longer fit in a crib and there will be little that interests us there the older we get. This is the same concept that applies as we grow into adulthood and graduating into our true nature and purpose for our lives. The good news is every challenge that we come up against in life we are equipped to handle , that is why it is important to appreciate our past experiences to get complete with them without ever forgetting the valuable lessons and blessings that each one has gifted us with. Everyone has different beliefs and even with the same beliefs everyone’s perception and understanding will not always be the same and that is a fact that we must understand and be okay with.
Life is not about changing the things that are out of our control, life is about accepting what is and changing our perspective and the way we respond to life. It is our responsibility to live life with passion and excitement celebrating the good times celebrating the challenges, celebrating the small wins, celebrating the setbacks and learning to appreciate everything. Life is a process that we must all learn to trust and enjoy the constant changes that we experience , and lose the urge to want to figure it all out, it is important to understand that there are some things that is not for us to figure out. Maturing mentally and spiritually is the key to staying grounded and to better equipped to grow and flow through life without resistance. We cannot change our destiny, but we can delay our progress by choosing to ignore the signs of the season we are in and what our responsibilities are. One of the greatest things about God’s love is that not only does he remove what we want but he replaces and restores us with what we need. With that in mind we must be confident on our journey and openly trusting the timing and order of our lives. to be separated does not mean we lose something or someone, separation is necessary to make room for new and amazing things to come into our lives.
“The Root Of Suffering Is Attachment , The Root Of Thriving Is The Ability To Detach From Things That Are Out Of Our Control To Focus On New.”