Let Your Guard Down
/The text book dictionary of pride states that it is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements. The definition of being prideful is to have an excessively high opinion of oneself, I believe that when one is in a prideful state they feel and believe that they are alone. They are alone because Pride does not promote vulnerability, it promotes denial the need to be perceived as having it all together all the time. If we all had it together all the time it simply would mean that we are immortal, and life is not currently taking place. The reality is everyone faces trials no one is excluded from facing life challenges some more than others but never the less they are present and important. Unfortunately, there are people that mentally they live in an alternate reality or universe that promotes perfection they are usually in the mindset that allowing others to know their struggle is a flaw on their name, their character and being a part of their journey is not ideal. They believe that they can and is responsible to figure it all out alone, no man is an island and it is a fact that we all need someone that we can call during our storms.
Pride creates an illusion that one’s struggle and burdens are their own to carry and that nothing or no one would understand. The people we attract is reflection of ourselves and the way we perceive things plays a big part in how we react towards people and their actions. The real test is in letting your guard down and allow yourself to be open to learning something or learning from someone else outside of our own mind and what we already believe we know. As human beings we all tend to pre-judge and rule out someone with out every giving them a chance to be a blessing to our life, when you take a second to listen and understand someone else that feeling of being alone can and will disappear especially because you learn that you are not alone. There is always someone out there that can relate to your story, heal from your story and help you to heal, the only way to create this in your life is to create and make time to commit to not only your goals but losing the desire to be prideful. Isolation is real and it is easier for most to isolate themselves and allow their circumstances to be in control, and when that is present there is no desire to thrive most people tend to settle in simply hoping to survive.
“Pride Will Cost You Everything , But Leave You With Nothing.”
The truth is no one was created to sacrifice their joy, peace and integrity, we all can choose to be prideful with ego and regret or we can allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable. Being vulnerable and open to change is a recipe for growth and an opportunity to elevate our mind, this does not make you week or a needy individual. Questions are meant to be asked lessons are meant to be learned, but most importantly life is meant to be lived and enjoyed no matter what your circumstances are and where you are in life you must make space for joy. To thrive is to live a life that is flowing open and on purpose without losing yourself and sacrificing your peace or settling for less than what we deserve or desire. There is much to learn in life but there is also much to love in life that includes the past, the present, and the future no matter the highs or lows we may face. Pride and arrogance will only leave us standing cold, unfulfilled and dissatisfied with the life you decide to live, we cannot control what happens in life what we can control is how we react and the intentions we set for ourselves and others. Live in the present moment, learn from the past, let go of the hurt and pain you once felt, and allow yourself grow and flow.