Dance To Beat Of Life
/I believe that there comes a point in everyone’s life where we all must come to understand and accept life for the beautiful mystery that it is and, and all the ugly that we are faced with. No one can change what God has already designed for our lives, what we do have is the ability to choose how we make the best out of the hands we are dealt. The reality is every circumstance and trial we come up against is in alignment with what God has in store for us, the problem is during life happening we waste a lot of time. We waste a lot of time complaining, wishing, and regretting, when that takes more energy than it does to just trust the process and be open to what is present to learn from each situation in order to grow through them. I am a firm believer that God never gives anyone more than they can handle, and with that knowledge I believe that we already are equipped with what we need to succeed at life. The reason I believe this is a major challenge for most is because we are too consumed by the noise around us and the need to always operate from a place of needing and lacking than from a space of feeling whole and having faith in God’s love for us. When we operate from a space of needing, we forget to do what God has already chosen us to do we get caught up in doing everything and anything that not only robs us of our time but most importantly our peace and pulls us farther away from ever being fulfilled.
The truth is sometimes God will allow us to take our own detour just to remind us who he is and how wonderful life can be when we allow ourselves to be led and co-create by the decisions we make. Our life can get so noisy and chaotic that unfortunately God will use tragedy to create silence to gain our attention. Life is not about what you have it is all about who you become and how you go about adding value to the people in your life and even better the value and impact you have in the world. Money does not buy time and it most certainly does not buy happiness, you must make time for what is important, and you must choose happiness right where you stand today. In high school as a teenager going through the normal phases and changes you feel pressured to be the best at everything but yourself, I feel like we are taught to compete and compare ourselves to each other in a way that creates strain. I did not feel we were being nurtured and groomed at how to deal with life or how important mastering myself is. Education is extremely important but one thing I always felt connected to strongly was wisdom and having a true sense of purpose in life, this I believed was more conducive to creating a life that is perfect for us. Your purpose does not require a straight A’s on a report card ,what It take is passion, love, commitment, and character, all your achievements mean nothing if you have no idea how to enjoy life and you are a person that people can relate and connect with for who you are being and the difference you make versus what you have materialistically.
“Life Can Be A Mystery
A Musical
Or Complete Misery
Choose To Dance To The Beat Of Your Heart.”
That was an understanding and desire I felt from a very early age it was at the age of twenty-one I found the access to get clear on learning how to be an upstanding human being in service to others, without the focus of my own instant gratification and recognition. For a long time, I struggled internally because I always believed that the way I thought and my vision for life would not be received by anyone, so I settled for doing and being what I thought made more sense to the world. In life you quickly learn that you are not here to self-serve you are here to serve God and spread love to everything and everyone. When you can connect and embrace your true self and begin operating in purpose instead of fear and needing to be accepted is when we truly begin to live. The secret in living and choosing an unapologetic life for me is I began to trust God and trust that what is good for me he will allow what is not he will remove and in being present to that I make myself available to hear his instructions loud and clear. There is nothing much that separates us besides our perception and our thoughts about life and way we think it should be. The beauty is what we do have in common our connection through God that makes us all unique and extraordinary.