I Choose To Live On purpose
/Do you believe that you have a choice to be amazing and a hand in just how amazing you desire to be? our life is molded daily by the choices we make which are usually influenced by our thoughts. Waking up each day and simply declaring that today is a good day I will be blessed on today, but most importantly I will bless someone else today. The choice to elevate our minds and changing our perspective is very challenging and a choice we must continue to choose until we have mastered it. The one thing to always remember is that every day we are faced with new challenges and lessons which are ultimately a true blessing in disguise. It is impossible to be positive and grow through the experiences if we continue to carry yesterdays struggle into today. Everyday we must choose us and in choosing us we choose to love ourselves and commit to things that will bring us joy and most importantly things that challenges us to grow a little more. Being comfortable in our mess will promote mediocrity and negativity, why? A few reasons are when you are not choosing to be your best self you are only going through the motions and you are not committed to experiencing joy. When you only commit to doing just enough to get by you spend a lot of time-wasting time and complaining.
There is a difference between motivation and transformation, motivation is temporary, and transformation is making permanent life adjustments to create new results in one’s life. The beauty about living in your purpose and light there is no degree or high price tag attached to because your purpose is priceless but most valuable to our existence in life. The reality is most people will spend majority of their life compromising their true self, and happiness, to please everyone living to meet the expectations and their opinions about who you are. That too is a choice that is present based on some of our experiences from either our childhood or at some point in our adult life. The most important choice and most rewarding choice any individual could make is the choice to live free and unapologetically. The choice to choose you may seem selfish to others that are only with you for their own personal gain but people that truly have your best interest in mind is open and encouraging to your journey of evolving in your purpose. The idea that to be considered amazing you must be perfect is a false and misleading thought, what makes each one of us amazing is our ability to rise even after we have been knocked down. Our ability to try again even after we have failed, our ability to believe and conquer our fears no matter what our circumstances are is what makes you and I simply amazing in our own mess.
Today I am blessed with another opportunity to choose me, I will accept and embrace all my strengths and my weaknesses. I will choose to laugh before I choose to complain, I will choose gratitude over regret, I will choose to move with faith and eliminate the spirit of fear. My beginning does not define my future or my present, I decide to choose me and by choosing me I wake up each day with the intentions to be better than the me I was the day before. I can only move forward by forgiving myself, loving myself, and my vision for life, accepting the past for what it was, living in the now for what you can create and allow your imagination run wild as you paint your picture for the future. I believe in magic the magic that happens through faith, prayer, and obedience. I am in a committed relationship that is required that I do all that is pleasing to God and in alignment with my purpose this is a non-negotiable for my life.
“Choose To Live By Choice Not By Chance
Choose To Make Changes Not excuses.”