I Can Do All Things
/“Your Level Of Faith Directs Your Energy To Take On All Things Impossible To Become Possible.”
Are you a can do or a can’t do person? I came across this question in my morning devotion read on Saturday, and in that moment, I began to ask myself what kind of person am I committed to being right now in this present moment of my life. There are multiple levels and a unique process that we all face at some point in our life and of those our level of faith and understanding is the most challenging. There is power in believing and our level of faith sometimes determine if we are a can do or I can’t do kind of person. Why, I believe that when we believe in something, we have a high level of confidence when we are confident, we can execute effectively and beyond our own expectations. When we have no faith, our confidence is low and as a result our ability to take action is very low. The biggest obstacle that most face is not being able to see all things as possible simply because they fail to commit their plans unto God, and they lack the knowledge of just how special we are to him. We are all special and unique to be blessed with great purpose, but we can only live it if we believe how worthy we are and understand that our past mistakes and failure does not alter God’s vision. How are you increasing your faith? are you willing to sit in the passenger seat and allow The Powers within take lead?
What does it mean to allow God to lead, it means to have faith the size of a mustard seed that even when a task seems impossible to the world that does not shake your foundation as to what you know in your spirit. There are times when sharing your thoughts, dreams, and vision is okay, but only to a certain extent, most of the time if we focus more on asking God to guide us in the right direction with the plans for our purpose that are dear to our heart’s and sit silent long enough, we can hear clearly. There was a time in my life when all I focused on was playing it safe which now, I know was only me selling my self short and settling for less. I had more faith in the idea of having security and guaranteed stability, but in all actuality, there is no job or salary that can provide more stability or secure me better than God. What I got clear on was the fact that a job can let me go at any given time without concern for my well-being, or stability. I began to trust that God will always do what is best for me in his own timing and that has the best security, reminder, and confirmation for me. He may not come when I feel I need him most, but he Is always right on time and the rewards is even greater. It does not pay to worry, and it does not help being impatient, faith and patience are those two things that just goes hand in hand you cannot have faith without patience, and you cannot be patient with out faith
We are all capable of being people that can do, most are just filled with valid excuses that only allows us to settle and remain in situations and circumstances that goes against what we truly want and desire. The question I want to ask today is are you ready to stop doing things your way and allow God to lead you in his way? And are you ready to listen and be obedient, not only knowing his word but living by it? The human mind is set up to create problems that do not exist if we allow our minds to stray but if we train our mind to be silent it creates room to listen and hear Gods instructions. It is impossible to do and be great with out the proper tools and guidance, in everything we do we must always be clear on the why and how will this add value to our life and others, and most importantly does it make you happy and fulfilled. If the actions and things you commit to adds no value or true purpose, it will encourage procrastination because you are simply not operating from your true self and in order to do and love it must be from the heart. Allow your thoughts, and your steps to be ordained by God to be a can-do person with confidence, “I Can Do All Things with He Who Strengthens Me” Philippians 4:13.