Highs & Lows
/I recently have been thinking about the idea of a sling shot and how the goal is to aim high and in order to go high you must pull it back and as low as you can in order to soar father to hit the target. This is the same concept with life after the storms the sun will shine, but I strongly believe that god has a unique way of testing us and gain our attention before he can bless us. There are a lot of times in our life that God maybe trying to get our attention but because we are so committed to the noise and chaos in our life, we are unable to hear him. Most of the time Neither are we available for him because the reality is sometimes, we barley have time to hear ourselves crying out for help, we are so distracted by everyone else’s needs, life, the job, and all the things we allow to define who we are and who we are being. The only way to be reached is to have all these things stripped away from us in order to hear clearly and get present to what we may need in this moment, it his way to slow us down to analyze our self.
Everyone loves the highs in life but no one likes to celebrate or be present in the lows, I have recently gotten a taste of the lows and how much you miss because by being so caught in the high when all relationships seem to be well , goals are being accomplish that you ignore signs and warnings that have always been presents. The result of that for me was a sudden shift relationships with family and friends came to a test and a sequence of event took place that I did not for see coming which were out of my control, I began to feel like I was at a low I was emotionally drained, confused, financially stuck and hurt all at once. I felt like everything and everyone as I knew was stripped from me and suddenly, I was hearing more, there was a lot more clarity, my spirit felt lighter and suddenly doors began to open in all different directions. Things didn’t change because I was sat down things changed because during that period, I took the time to be content with nothing being happy even when things were being stripped away from me. I took moments to appreciate the blessings in disguise and I really got present to taking responsibility for myself and letting go of what I cannot change or control.
The reality is sometimes we are so busy trying to hold on to things or people that God is really trying to remove to make room for new and until we are willing to surrender, we are the ones that hold ourselves back. The only thing blocking our blessings sometimes Is our desires to please others, our selves, but not God the very thing we think is for us there is something bigger and better out there if we allow God to be in charge. Ultimately, it’s his way or the difficult road that is meant to sit us down to get present with him and reenter ourselves. The reality is there is something within us that already knows when something or someone is not a good fit for our lives but due to our own insecurities and lack of faith we continue to try to mend and fix situations that only had a temporary purpose disregarding the expiration date. I encourage everyone reading today to allow God to shake things up and no matter how painful it seems believe that after the pain and crying he will reconstruct your life in such away that you forget why what was wearing you down. Allow yourself to freely choose to follow and trust God’s timing and unconditional love for us to heal, protect, and elevate our lives on his terms.
“Try Not To Get Too High Of The Highs ,
Or Too Low Off The Lows .”