Pace Yourself
/“Life Is A Marathon , Not A Sprint Pace Yourself Accordingly . - Amby Burfeet”
Have you ever had one of those moments where you find your mind continuously racing and flooding with worry and ideas all at the same time? this is me and I have gotten better in the last year, but I will admit the need to perfect and be careful can be a distraction and a struggle. There is a time and a place for everything and like wise there is a time to think and a time to relax, there is a time to be creative and there is a time to learn new, there is a time to inspire and a time to be inspired. In life everything needs a balance too much of anything I never good whether they are meant for good reasons and being over cautious and over worked are one of those things that if over done could lead to negative results. There are a lot of reason balance and pacing we is important is because it can become difficult to focus and give a hundred percent to one thing at time and trying to focus on achieving multiple things at once creates frustration and in most cases self-doubt and insecurity in your process.
Overloading our mind is not a good thing from my own personal experiences and studying others overthinking is the number one reason for insecurity and doubt becomes present on our journey. Instead of breaking things down to a space that is manageable for us, most of us become goal obsessed and this not only affects us but also the people that are present in our life, because to feel better placing the blame becomes a stress reliver for us. The longer this goes on sooner or later there comes a point where a breakdown must take place before a break through, everyone handles a breakdown different, so the ideal goal is to work to prevent that. I myself just had this conversation with my husband when I am excited and fired up about a new goal I begin to over think and over work and then everything begins to look a bit more than it really is or seems more than I can handle. My husband said to me “you have to write it all down and make a mental note of important task so that they are not forgotten.” After creating a list narrow it down to taking on one or the most two tasks at a time and as you clear them you check them off the list and move on to the next in line.
Our purpose is not meant to be hard or difficult it is meant to flow we are to enjoy the creative process and take it all in as each moment is happening. Learning how to make life more effective than difficult for ourselves is the ultimate goal no one wants to live a life of self-imprisonment, being obsessed with anything will never create a good or happy outcome for anyone. Life is not meant to be perfected life is about making the most of each moment, learning to appreciate the lessons to receive our blessings and really being grateful along the way. The more things we can be grateful for the less things we focus on worrying about or being frustrated with. Life is bigger than us and there is so much more to learn and explore do not get consumed with how people receive or perceive you, focus only of catering to self in a healthy way which enables us to treat others with love and respect. There must be a balance and a healthy way to release and reset, set goals but do not over think or become obsessed, figure out what works for you mentally, physically, and emotionally. Be obsessed with the process and the training to develop and grow as a person, it is okay to set big goals and achieve them with small commitments to achieve them.