Great Strength In Vulnerability
/Most people associate being vulnerable to mean that someone is weak or lacking strength when the ability to be vulnerable at the appropriate times is one of the greatest forms of strength a person can display. Pride and the fear of how people perceive us is a few reasons why people will choose to stand in pride before they choose to express emotions or speak on sensitive topics. The real question is how does living prideful benefit us as individuals how this act contributes to our wellbeing and our mission to create a successful and happy life. In my opinion based on my own personal experiences and being present with people that have lived their entire life to fit into a frame created by others, this is the easiest way a person can self-destruct. In the end the same people that we put ourselves in a box to meet their expectations are the same people that are waiting to pass judgement. There is an old saying that goes “you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t “, so I say do what makes you happy and avoid what makes you compromise your core values and peace.
The beauty about how God created us is that he blessed each and everyone of us with our own unique gifts and talents, but we can only access these gifts through being true to ourselves. It is impossible to access what is for us if our true self is over powered by who we are pretending to be. we can only access or truly unlock our blessings when we commit to living life as our true selves, in our true state of being it is filled with freedom and purity. We are fearless, we are open, and vulnerable to our desires and emotions. Living in a prideful state we are fearful, imprisoned, and corrupted by expectations and our thoughts. Acting outside of who you truly are has temporary benefits people will gravitate to you at first, but energy does not lie and no one in this life is perfect, pride gives the need to want to appear as people without flaws or ever falling short. People cannot gravitate to perfection because as humans we feed off relativity, we feel most connected to even a stranger if we can relate to them as a person and their story. The thought that you must show case to the world perfection because you believe that is what they expect from you then also expect to be judged and labeled as someone that is inauthentic.
“Being Vulnerable Is The Only Way To Allow Your Heart To Feel True Pleasure.
- Bob Marley ”
Being labeled in life is what a lot of us fear, I say if what you are doing and who you are being makes you whole and completely free be that and do just that. There Is no need to create a confusion in your identity you are who God created you to be not what people expect you to be. Today I am encouraging everyone to be bold and kind enough to share your struggles and be vulnerable when it is appropriate or needed. Life is about more than just our own instant gratification life is simple and the more we embrace simplicity the lighter our load feels. Instead of holding on to our fears, past hurts and regrets and allowing ourselves to be a victim I dear you to free yourself when the opportunity is present. How do you free yourself? by sharing your story, your true emotions, your thoughts, and even allowing the tears of healing to come through without worry. The truth is we hold the key to how happy we live by simply choosing to be free to live by our own standards and not letting pride be your guide. Give yourself permission to feel your emotions and take responsibility for them, remember being open to surrendering to the pain as well as the joy in life.