Greater Is Coming
/“Greater is coming” this statement is one that we all have been previewed to many times in our lives especially in the midst of challenging seasons. The real question is how many of us can honestly actually say that they believe this all the time especially when we are currently experiencing a difficult time in our life. The truth is our ability to believe or trust in that statement is measured by our level of faith. If you are an individual that is lacking faith and operating as a hopeless lonely vessel on a journey through life feeling lost, thinking they need to be in control of the outcome of their life you are functioning in fear. Life is not about needing to be in control or having the ability to rewind time, and undo the things we may resent or have regrets on, it is simply about experiencing life challenges and being able to respond versus reacting and learning from them. I believe that every hurt and disappointment we endure teaches us the art of being careful but not fearful moving forward. It is much easier to get stuck in our emotions which encourages us to create limiting and very false stories that does not promote action or evidence that a solution is possible. We spend more time expecting things to go very wrong than the amount of time we invest in paying attention the evidence that there is always something to be thankful for and that after every storm something greater is on the way.
The language we speak over our lives is one that we learn from the time we are born that grows with us into adulthood, we are taught limits, we are taught what is impossible , we are taught to play it safe , we are taught to always seek security and comfort. The truth is there is no greater support or security than the the support and security that God provides for us daily , the things that are unknown or unseen to us is always known and seen by Him, that is the greatest fact we must make a mental note of when ever we are feeling afraid or lost in the midst of our challenges. It is extremely important to keep a memory log for every time you have felt defeated but in the end you saw how it always works out not because of anything you did but by God’s divine intervention to protect and redirect us. The results are often times greater than our expectations, the last week has been one of the most challenging that I have experienced in a long while, and at first I was going through the motions. My emotions were high I felt frustrated , annoyed ,i was in complete reactive mode which I have learned that It is necessary to always allow ourselves to be free to express our feelings weather positive or negative emotions , what we cannot do is allow those negative emotions to linger or begin to make decisions while we are in a low or negative place. Remembering my prior obstacle and how I made it out was one of the ways I managed to regroup , another way of how I was able to get through that was to continue to remind myself that everything is temporary so I should never get so comfortable that I become closed off to the possibility of changes and challenges occurring. We should never get too comfortable and attached to what we know or can see that we have a resistance to God’s plan. Many times He is proactively working to remove some things out of our life to make room for new. The more present I was to these empowering facts the easier it became for me to accept what was happening to adapt and flow the easier it became for me to relax ,trust the process ,and expect that something better is on the way.
“And Jesus Said Unto Them , Because Of Your Unbelief : For Verily I say Unto You, If Ye Have Faith As A Grain Of Mustard Seed, Ye Shall Say Unto This Mountain , Remove Hence To Yonder Place; And It Shall Remove ; And Nothing Shall Be Impossible Unto You.
Mathew 17:20 ”
The breakthrough we are seeking when we are experiencing a difficult season in our life does not come because we are crying about what has happened , our breakthroughs happen when we decide to keep pressing forward with a good attitude as if the outcome we desire has already happened. Although I was very disappointed about my laptop crashing on me which resulted in me not doing work and crushing some of my goals for the week, no I was not happy about that but I received much more than I lost along with learning some valuable lessons. I could remain attached to what I did not get done and how far back I am , but instead I am choosing to be connected to the present opportunities that I have access to that rewards me with opportunities and gifts through this low. The beauty about life is we all have unlimited access to ask for help and receive guidance from God even when we forget to ask. See your life and the events that occurs as a never ending opportunity to increase in our faith, decrease in fear, remove all that is not serving us to receive what we need to learn something new, and also an opportunity to rest and reset. Not only did I receive gifts I was gifted with down time which helped to create momentum in my mind I had a lot to blog about and new ideas to pursue. I encourage you all to always live in gratitude in every season of your life trusting and thanking God in advance for all that He is about to do, but most importantly never give up you may fall, you may stumble, you may rest but losing or quitting is not an option.