Gardener Of The Mind
/“Decide What Kind Of Life You Actually Want , Then Say No To Everything That Isn’t That. ”
What are some of the first thoughts that come to mind when you see or think about having a beautiful garden? For me the very first thought I have is the amount of work and commitment it takes to maintain ; like myself I am sure many of you guys can relate. Do I love flowers? Yes but is it a priority for me to have one? Maybe not but it is still one of the most peaceful and beautiful sites to appreciate. As beautiful as a garden is so is the mind, and like the garden the mind needs to be treated with care, consistency and commitment daily in order to bloom beautifully. The truth is unlike the garden which is optional to have the mind is not and should not be optional ,because as we all know the mind is a powerful thing that we cannot afford to waste. It is not only important but critical that we invest time to develop our minds with love, knowledge, and positivity. We are what we think and our thoughts are fueled by a number of things like the things we listen to or watch , our circle of influence , our past experiences, our current circumstances. It is our perception that will dictate how we are responding or reacting to each scenario and our perspectives are fueled by the quality of the soil that we are using to plant in our very own garden of the mind.
The same way I look at the garden and admire its beauty but it instantly intimidated by the work that it takes ,there are many people that are often intimidated by the work that needs be done daily to develop our minds and as unique individuals. I too never really knew the kind of impact,something as simple as a television show can either add value or take away from us until I began to feed my mind with more of what it needed. The more time I invest in planting good seeds in the mind through reading books that spoke to my mind , the more audios I listened to that encouraged me to change my mindset and who I was being , the more mind stimulating conversations I engaged in I realized a few things. One of the first things I quickly recognized was how much my energy shifted not only did it shift but I began to even have more energy through out the day I felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder.. I also notice that my interested in the things I spent so much time being entertained with I was slowly but surely losing interest daily , conversations and people I once spent a lot of time with was no longer serving me and the space I was transitioning into. The truth is you never know how bad you were doing or feeling until you start feeling good. The question is how do you begin cultivating the garden of our minds to bloom beautiful flowers of positive thoughts , happiness , purpose , love , true beauty , and wholeness? The first step is to identify why is it important to make this change in your life and asking yourself are you ready and willing to commit to doing the work ?, what are you willing to give up in order to make room to lay new and good soil in your mind?
Life Is happening daily we are met with challenges and changes some welcomed and most of the time unexpected but we still have to learn to adjust and keep moving. I want to encourage each and every one of you reading this today to change the narrative from simply only surviving and getting by but to thrive. No longer will we settle for just making it out let us put ourselves in the position to go through some things growing through and being healed from them. Too often we go through life experiencing trauma or difficulties without taking the necessary steps to get complete with them , to get closure , to release the emotions we feel, instead they are suppressed never addressed until one day we are met with another challenging life changing event and boom we explode. Pressure burst pipes but they also make diamonds,It is our responsibility to decide how we desire to rise out of every adversity we are met with and is it worth it ? Do you acknowledge being a person that is in complete control with how they are going through life experiences peacefully as a priority or a possibility in your life? In order to achieve true success in any area of your life it is important that we are clear on our why and to know how important it is for you to master it. Be open to the daily commitment and practices that will not make life easier but guides us into becoming open minded individuals committed to thriving in life and being gardeners of the mind. We all have the ability to change the things we do not like about ourselves and in our lives but the work begins in the mind and the rest will follow suite. I dare you to get started on your garden find good soil to plant seeds in your life , letting go of what was and being open and welcoming to new possibilities. The key to having a beautiful garden begins with the intention you have , the love you have for this garden before seeing it come to life , and the quality of the soil you are laying your foundation with. Become gardeners of the mind as it makes a difference in the life you are living currently and the life you desire to live.