The New Normal
Life can change in the blink of an eye and suddenly all the things we have been taking for granted we are forced to get present to them and suddenly we realize how much time we have wasted on things that were not that important. Daily we are all out on a mission some are activating their faith and committed to thriving many are busy trying to right their wrongs and actively in survival mode. The truth is whatever mode we are in we are sacrificing things daily, like trading time for money. Is it that we want to or enjoy missing out on very important moments in our lives? no, but very often we get so consumed by the chase of wanting more and what we think we need and must do that we never have a moment to breath and enjoy what we do have present. Daily there are people that are hoping and wishing for a moment or even a pass to just do nothing but relax and enjoy precious quality time with love ones. In adulting we rarely have the option it may seem close to impossible meaning that it is not completely out of our reach, but it just may not always be available to us. The greatest irony in life is missing the blessings that we have been praying for and asking God to do because their moment of relief may not come with silver bells hanging from it. Which leads to constant complaining, panicking and frustration from believing that we need to be in control of the outcome versus choosing peace and allowing ourselves to flow and grow from what we go through.
Last week Monday I woke up excited and filled with enthusiasm to win the day, I started my day with prayer, tea, and a 5 a.m. work out. Getting up is the hard part but the after feeling is out of this world very rewarding, increases my focus and productivity throughout the day and I will not dare forget I considered it to be my happy drug. The rise of a very deadly virus that has been spreading rapidly resulted in the announcement of the gym and many other places of gatherings being temporarily closed. I was in complete disbelief at first, then I transitioned into the phase of trying to figure it out, and then finally I was in the phase of feeling a bit defeated for a few reasons. The first reason being I am a person that lives by a routine one that plans and prioritizes my days beginning at 4a.m. -5P.m., the idea of me not having that time to give all of my attention to work because now my daughter will be home with me as well during this time. Adjusting to these changes without any real idea of how long this would last was a bit challenging for me. I had to quickly change my mindset and switch my focus from what is not working and may be an inconvenience to me and really get present to appreciate the fact that it could be worse. There are a lot of people with no real outlet, support, or financial stability to width stand these drastic changes. So, I chose gratitude, to zero in on how good life has been and really appreciate the moment I have been blessed with to enjoy excess moments with my family. Do I like the idea of being told when and where to go? No, but I that’s not my battel to fight my focus to no miss the lesson that God wants me to learn. To use this time wisely to get closer to God, invest more time enjoying the simple daily activities that I have worried about because I told myself I had no time. I am enjoying time with my baby girl and receiving her love, and doing different activities daily. I am also really enjoying biblical conversations with my husband, really appreciating his presents in my life even the very things he would do that often drove me crazy has not phased me. I appreciate the moments of adversity because they allow me to face the ugly truth, and re-center our minds, hearts, and attitude.
“We Have A New Normal , As You Move Outside Of Your Comfort Zone, What Was Once The Unknown And Frightening ,Becomes Your New Normal.”
In conclusion I want to encourage everyone as we are all experiencing this shift some of us may be affected more severely than others but there is still hope and so much to be grateful for. This moment in time is a moment that will be remembered and will forever be talked about years to come. I urge you to begin to shift your mindset and your perception to let go of what we believe to be the truth, and focus on God. Prayer should not be an option it should be our first and only option, we may not have all the answers but what we do have is the word of God and His love to hold on to. In the meantime, take what appears to be an opposition as an opportunity to reconnect with self, open your minds, open your heart and, and be purposed in growing in faith. The word on Sunday reminded us that to die does not only mean to physically die, but there is such a death as a spiritual one. In this season let us invest time to reclaim our time, hit the reset button, and activate our faith, life is a journey don’t waste it by seeking security enjoy the ride and seek adventures. Buckle up and get ready to fully experience life to embrace the tests, appreciate the lessons and celebrate your blessings, life is what you make so give your best shot and regret nothing.