God Has Your Back
Life is too short to waste precious time worrying about what people think about you or the stories that are created about you. One of the most common self-esteem breakers and dream killers is to be over concerned about the opinions and acceptance of others. Fortunately, we were all created with gifts and talents but unfortunately not many of us have or will invest the time to master self and the gifts we have been blessed with. Fear, lack of confidence, lack of support, just to name a few are very common reasons that many of us allow to limit our thinking and our ability to discover our true purpose. The truth is while everyone has an opinion about what you should do and who you should be you are the one in control and responsible for the choices you make and how they affect you or benefit you. To know God and to have a personal relationship with Him is key to thriving in life abundantly. There is a different feeling and level of confidence that an individual display when they have built a personal relationship with Him. He is always with us and always protecting us even from the things unseen or unknown to us, we do not have the power to be every where and we do not have the power to read minds or see the future ,what we do have is the power of prayer and with faith we trust that what we desire is already done because God is always in control.
Committing to living a life of purpose takes courage to stand alone, to step into the unknown, taking risks, and getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. Many times, God will give us a vision and the instructions on how to bring that vision alive but what happens to most of us is we make life changing decisions out of fear. Sadly, for many of us, we have allowed our life experiences and past mistakes to discourage and distract us from doing what we love, and we what we know is the best decision for us. I have been guilty of having a vision and allowing fear to kick in immediately so instead of trusting God and believing in myself I open the door inviting people that weren’t for me or apart of the will of God. When you are unequally yoked and there are ill intentions that are not obvious to us, we begin to trust and open up about our struggles and our weaknesses. The bad news is the real hurt comes when you are no longer a necessity to their agenda or needs that you are kicked to the side without explanation. When one is hurt by the people, they least expect it does not only have an external effect it can also have a negative effect on their emotional and mental health. I will be the first to admit that it is panful ,confusing ,and it lead to me feeling angry and ,betrayed at times especially when you know who you were to them and the love and respect we believed to be real and shared mutually. Here is the bad news everyone is not always who they say they are, and people will not always appreciate you for who you are, and lastly it is important to remember that hurt people will use your weakness against you instead facing their own flaws head on. The good news is that it is not our responsibility to try to understand it, fix it, or get even. When we are present to these experiences it is our responsibility to pray about it and trust God to show up for you. The battle is not ours to fight it is ours to learn from without internalizing the acts neither should we allow them to change our hearts and who we are as a person.
“God Has A Purpose For Your Pain, A Reason For Your Struggle , And A Gift For Your Faithfulness Don’t Give Up.”
In closing I want to encourage you all to understand that when you live your life with pure intentions and spread love to everyone you do not lose, they miss out on your greatness. Life is not about playing it safe and allowing ourselves to be defeated after every adversity that we are faced with. life is like a game you have two choices to play to win or allow the game to play you. There are three rules that I commit to living by daily and the first is to pray about everything, Yes, He knows our every move and thought but it is our duty to commit all of our plans unto him first. Our life is not our own and we must understand that our purpose is a gift from God so before making decision it is important that we always make sure that our plans are aligned with His plans. The second rule is to activate your faith, “faith without work is dead. It is not okay to only believe but to allow our faith to promote action no matter the risk and the obvious limits that surrounds us. Last but not least my third rule is to always be true to who you are, while we can work on our attitudes and change our perspectives on life, we do not have the power to change who God created us to be. Be open to experience hurt and not allow it to define how you live and who we are committed to being in the future. Pay attention to the patterns and the signs, remember that everything and everyone comes with an expiration date and we all are born with the gift of intuition if we listen to it, we can never go wrong. As my husband would always say to me “you cannot save everyone you have to learn to see and accept people for who they are without compromising your peace and brand.” Hurt people hurt people and while they may never tell the true story be okay with trusting that God has your back and no weapons formed against you will prosper.