Winning In The Midst Of Opposition.
Life is a journey in which we are blessed with the freedom to explore and create a life that is fulfilling to us but a blessing to others. The problem that we all experience is being distracted by life, what do I mean by that? We get distracted by the unexpected but necessary changes that occurs in our daily life especially when we are focused on achieving a very important goal. Anything worth having in life does not come easy, it will require hard work, patience, and sacrifice. The question we all have to ask ourselves is are we willing to give our all to get results in our daily life, and are we willing to be honest with ourselves about our will to commit and complete what we have started. I believe one of the many keys to thriving is to be open to always seeing the bigger picture and what is important. As crazy as it may sound the reality it is living in our purpose has nothing to do with us and everything to do with what we were created to do. The good new is living in our purpose provides us with the opportunity to design our life in a way that does bring us joy and fulfillment. The true test is not in how we show up when things are going smooth what matters is how we show up when everything appears to be against us and not in our favor.
Allowing myself to be present is one of the best decision I have made , it rewards me each day with the opportunity of being present to my feelings , present to the lessons that are hidden in adversities , and a reminder of what is important which is a blessing. This past weekend was my annual New Year Experience event which I did a little different this year. We had the pleasure of being partnered with Gurl Code Vision Circle. The weeks invested in planning and getting everything together flowed really well. The event was Saturday and Friday began with a ripple effect of oppositions. My partner for the event had an emergency which then resulted in us battling with the decision of if we should push through or reschedule. Saturday morning leading up to the final hour before show time, I recall feeling like everything that could have went wrong did and could not get any worse. The beauty is after all the tears, frustration, and adjustments that took place there was still a lot to be thankful for and a great reminder. In the midst of being overwhelmed by emotions I am grateful that we were selfless in finishing what we started although we may not have known what the blessing in disguise was. I was grateful for the individuals that decided to commit to self despite the weather, there was a lovely couple that came to the event from Delaware despite the weather warnings, despite the distance, despite the fact that we have never met was not a factor for them. The moment they introduce themselves and told me who they were, where they were from, and how they found the event all the frustration and anxiety left my body and was instantly replaced with gratitude and joy. Through an introduction of two wonderful strangers I was reminded that it is not about me and it is bigger than me.
In closing the reason why, I wanted to share this with you all was to remind and encourage everyone of the importance of not getting so caught up and distracted by oppositions that we miss out on God given opportunities. When we say opportunities, I want you guys to be open to the fact that every opportunity may not be for our own instant gratification but for another that needs what we have to offer. Life is not always peaches and cream or sunshine and roses but living a life with purpose and meaning means giving up the way you think things should be and trusting the way God has designed the order and timing of how our lives unfold. It is not our responsibility to try to change or figure out why we are faced with oppositions. It is our duty to see the bigger picture and have an open mind to new and hidden opportunities that may not be visible to the eyes but, with faith and trusting God fully all things are possible. Who are you going to be in your winning seasons and who are you going to be when faced with challenges? it is important that we show up the same in all areas of our lives the same in every season, be glad when things are going well and be grateful when life gets challenging.
“The Breakfast Of Champions ,Is Not Cereal
It’s The Opposition.”