Who Are You Called To Be?
“Life begins when you find out who you are “Bishop T.D. Jakes, what does this mean? I was listening to a ceremony titled “I did not know I was me “and at first, I was confused and as he began to get into detail, I had a moment of gratitude and a revelation. I recognized that my life did not begin until I found out what my purpose Is and what I was truly called to do. Growing up I can recall going through different phases of highs, lows, and unsurety of who I was, what I wanted to do, and what my purpose was. From the day we are born we were given love, we are nurtured, and taught by our parents through teachings and habits about life what is important and what our aim or focus should be. It was no longer about who God created us to be or the visions we may have seen for our life. The good news is as we grow older we are responsible for the choices we make and the quality of life we choose to live , without blame it is important that we understand that our parents did the best that they could with the tools that they were given wrong or right. The reason why many of us struggle with identifying who we are and what direction to take is because we do not have our own personal relationship with God, and we do not know our worth.
As we grow older, we learn to adapt to the constant changes some of us are better at flowing some of us are stuck living in the past that only does a disservice to our wellbeing. There was a time I wanted to be a singer because I was told how good I was, I loved singing and I am a music lover, but I knew it was not something I wanted to pursue. I wanted to be an actress because everyone always told me how good I was in drama and theater and although I loved and enjoyed that as well, I had no passion to pursue it. I wanted to be the next Merlene Hottie she was a very popular track star from Jamaica because everyone said I was fast and reminded them of her. I loved track and field and I trained for it daily, but I learned as I grew it was not something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I loved writing because it gave me a sense of freedom to express myself and live in my imagination ,the irony is I heard feed backs like “you are a great writer but writing won’t be enough to support your lifestyle, and it will be hard to get a job after going to college for journalism.” Not knowing who I had put me in a position space where I allowed my life to be molded by my environment and voices of influence, which led me to putting writing completely to the back of mind. I attended trade school to become a medical assistant, why? I was guaranteed to get a job after and begin to make money which at the time sounded like a great plan. I quickly learned that it was indeed a good idea but not fitting for me and what I was created to do, there was a great deal of blessing that came from that experience. I met my husband and I pushed to reclaim my time and get to know my true self and what I was worth. life became more meaningful and exciting the moment I decided I was no longer living according to what was politically correct what makes sense to everyone else.
Have you met your true self? most of us live the entire first halve of our lives as a complete stranger within our own body. Being out of touch with what we feel, our vision, our worth, and what we are capable of achieving. The life we desire is available and waiting for our true identity to show up, God cannot bless who we pretend to be he can only bless who he has called us to be. if you have spent your entire life feeling out of place and uncomfortable is simply because you were not created to fit the descriptions or categories that you have been placed in. Are you ready to break free and begin to live a life that you are deserving of? The first step is to commit to getting closer to God and getting to know who you are and what you were created to do. Living your best life as your true self Is a journey that will not be easy but rewarding and worth every challenge we will face in pursuit of our purpose. We owe it to ourselves to invest in living everyday with purpose and passion, live beyond your limits and expectations. a life that is worth living is a life that is lived to our full potential.
“Who You Are Called To Be Has
Nothing To Do With
Who You Were Taught To Be.”