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/How many times In our life have we been in a position that really challenged your character and the person you are working to become? How many times have you questioned yourself? In life there will come into our lives for a specific reason and season, but so often we get into relationships anticipating long term with a forever future in mind. There will be connections that are broken not by fault or negativity but simply because of a shift and growth that may be present in one and not the others life. Everyone will not always be on the same page or have the same views as you do, and we must be willing to accept and move on without feeling resentful. The longer we continue to keep reliving events that happened and is no longer happening is the more time that we are robbing ourselves of. It Is very important that we are creating boundaries with others but most importantly with our emotions. Knowing how to choose our battles wisely and having the spirit of discernment to know when something or some one is not for us. the biggest struggle that most face is the unwillingness to take responsibility for our part, why? Reason being most people perceive taking responsibility to mean accepting ownership for the wrong. The responsibility we take does not have to always mean that we had ill intentions, sometimes being passive, not speaking up, or setting boundaries are the roles that we all can relate to doing that contributed to creating a conflict.
There is a saying that states “hurt people hurt people “which I have found to be very true. When all a person knows is hurt, hurting others becomes the foundation of their life to project that energy to others, it becomes almost like second nature. I am grateful for growth in my life because I was hurt by a recent agreement and even going through my emotions, I was able to lose the spirit of anger and replacing it with compassion. There are people smiling daily, putting on a show for the world through pictures but internally they are crying out for help. It is important that we are always quick to forgive and slow to take on the spirit of revenge. A person that suffers with Self-inflicted wounds will be more harm to themselves than anything anyone can do externally. Leaning not to lean on our own understanding, and asking God to change our perspective to see all things and people for who they are and where they are in the current seasons. In many experiences I found myself feeling confused I used to question myself and in other cases blaming myself. The reality is no one person is to be blamed but each participant has to be able to identify and willing to take responsibility for their contribution. The one thing I had to learn is that not everyone is willing to even if they are able to identify their role and we have to be okay with that.
“Fall If You Will ,
Rise You Must .”
Life is not fair, and everyone will not always agree or share the same views, taking responsibility and losing the desire place blame takes maturity and personal development. We are living in a time where a lot of people are operating from a space of lacking and hurt, it is important that we try to understand a person before we judge them or react. It is not always about us and most times people are battling with deep rooted issues that they may not know how to elevate or break free from. Loving others where they are and understanding that everyone is operating from their own level of consciousness is important. Apart of our mission is to help when we can, be a listening ear when its needed, and being voice of reasoning when asked to be. Life is hard but how we perceive our experiences and respond to the challenges we face makes life worth living and a little less complicated. Life is not happening to us it is happening for us every experience, every set back or delay teaches us something new about ourselves and helps to make us stronger. Get excited about adversities they are always blessings in disguise that one day will make a lot of sense why it was needed but we will only know if we never give up.