Conception Period
/“a woman , when she is in labor ,has sorrow because her hour come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child , she has now given birth to the child , she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” John 16:21. As I was doing my morning devotion on Saturday, I came across this scripture that was complete confirmation for me in so many ways. The last few weeks I have been preparing for the launch of my new project I have been experiencing a lot of changes emotionally. I have always found it very ironic but not a coincidence that whenever we are working on creating something new the level of disposition that we experience. Often times we may not be able to recognize what it is that we are experiencing or what it means. The amazing thing about life is that everything we do and every new chapter we begin in our lives relates right back to giving birth. The reality is our purpose in life is a gift from God that will require a lot of work and preparation. Just as we make preparation and carefully planning to bring a life in the world, we experience the exact same changes when it is time for us to enter into a new season of our life.
Are you ready to give birth to your purpose? very often we set out on a mission and we may not realize how big or important it is to seek God first and get in position. I will be the first to say that I have been guilty of acting first without seeking God. I have had to learn some of the most difficult lessons the hard way because of that, but the one thing that I am sure of is that even in the midst of disfunction God will show up. The problem is many times we tend to ignore the signs and warnings, the beauty is that in all of our experiences there will be great lessons to learn. The trial and error period of our life is necessary and there will be times when we feel like it is not fair. There will even be moments when we question ourselves or wonder what is that we have done to deserve such trials, our story was written before the day we were born. God knew all of our flaws but through it all he still blessed us with purpose. The adversities we face are apart of the process of growing and conceiving our purpose. life is not an easy road and it is definitely not a sprint; it is a lifelong marathon that requires a lot of patience and commitment. It is important that we are praying first about everything and patiently waiting for God to guide us on the path that is for us.
Slow Down
Take It Easy
Enjoy Life
In conclusion it is important that we are present to the timing and order of our lives. We do not know what each moment may bring, and we are not in control of the outcome in situations and know that it is okay. What we do know is that no day is promised or guaranteed so making the most out of every moment we are blessed with should be a priority. The love a mother feels after giving birth makes the nine months of preparation and pain felt during birth worth it. It is the same for our life’s purpose it is important that we remain present to the fact that there will be a moment of conception and a period of preparation that we will have to go through before we can give birth to our purpose. Mistakes will be made, doubt may be present, fear will set in, but loving yourself and trusting God’s plan is key to thriving in life. Today can be the day you choose to make a commitment to living your life in purpose with pure joy and fulfillment. Being open to the constant changes in life knowing that nothing lasts forever the tough times are temporary. Life is precious your dreams are special, and your journey is your story to tell to help heal and inspire another to hold on and work through their storms.