Building Trust In Sisterhood
/How important is building trust and having confidence in sisterhood to you? Do you believe it is possible to have trust and confidence? Developing trust and having confidence in your friendship is very important and possible to have. The work has to be put in by both individuals and all parties if we are referencing a group. For many years’ women have been known to endure many painful situations that contributed to increased insecurity, fear, and doubt which creates a strain in relationships. There are many factors and issues that each individual struggle with internally and until they are willing and ready to face them and create a solution, they will come up short on the ladder of success in relationships. In every relationship it is important that we not only grow to love each other but we must learn to respect and develop a level of understanding for who we are as two separate individuals coming together. Relationships are a two-way street and a give and take each person should be able to add value to the other and learn from each other. There are many important factors that makes a big difference on who we are being in our relationships. The two key points that I believe are important is a person upbringing and an individual knowing who they are and staying true to them.
Last Friday I had the privilege of doing live conversation with my good friend who is more like a sister to me for the last thirteen years speaking about trust and confidence in sisterhood. One major point that was touched on was about the benefit of having a stable and healthy upbringing. She shared that her ability to love fully in all of her relationships was because of the example in her household. She has the ability to be confident in herself and being considerate at the same, to be honest but loving at the same time. I consider that a true gift that not many people are able to do and still maintain a level of peace and trust in their relationships. Life comes with a lot of unexpected challenges that are out of our control and can sometimes alter our thoughts, and attitude towards others. The responsibility is ours to take, and getting proactive in healing and growing through our hurt. It is easy to place blame, it is easy to remain a victim, but the reality Is both options only rewards us with more pain while letting go and forgiving sets us free. Forgiving others does not cost us anything in fact it is more of a benefit to our life, once we understand that forgiving is not about the other person’s wrongs being accepted but it is about us being free. The question I have Is are you ready and to be free to live fearless, and abundant in love and purpose? If your yes, then you are responsible for taking consistent action.
In conclusion I want to remind you all of how important it is to maintain a level of trust to build confidence in every relationship. Sisterhoods are often tested and discredited but, it is one of those relationships that are very important and adds value to women’s life. The foundation on which a relationship is built determines the nature of your relationship has to be more than just for personal gain. When you bring two different people with their past stories and hurt it is important to know the space that your sister is in without making judgement. We have the power to choose to change, grow, let go, and love again nothing is permanent not even pain. There will many seasons that will change and not everyone will be able to weather the storms with you, but there will also be meaning connections in new seasons in our life. Learning to embrace new after all that we have experienced in the past can be difficult if we allow it to be and it is as easy as knowing you deserve more. The plans for our life have to be in aligned with the plans God has in store for us, as we work on forgiving and moving forward let us never forget to be in gratitude.
““When Women Rise We All Rise “”