/“Do Not Waste Precious Time Dwelling On The Things We Have No Control Of , In Due Time All Things Will Make Sense.”
I believe that time reveals, and time teaches us a lot about ourselves, our relationships, and provides us with clarity on our experiences when we put in the work. Time is precious but also a valuable teacher in our life experiences, as we grow and our mind develops over time, we begin to see things differently, think differently, and are mindful of our actions. While everyone is operating from their own level of consciousness, we must understand that everyone will not be in the same space at the same time. Does this mean that there is no room for growth or mending? yes there is with much patience, and understanding of the space a person is in. The problem is most of the time many of us are so busy pushing our beliefs and views on other that we create distance and tension. The reality is although our intentions are pure it is important that we are mindful of each other’s boundaries respect them. There is something special about giving each other space and time that makes a huge difference in how we address situations and mending broken relationships peacefully. The first step in making that possible is to not place blame on others but to take responsibility for our part and identifying the areas that we need to work on or adjust. Growth does not happen overnight and there is no expiration date on your growth process, every day is a new opportunity to learn a little more and grow.
I can honestly say today I have learned to appreciate the value of time and how important it is to share what you are feeling and give others the opportunity to understand your concerns and respect them. I believe that it is important because from my personal experiences I have learned that what may come natural to me or may seem to be common sense to me may not be the same for others. Expecting an immediate response or change is an unrealistic expectation to place on others. Not being understood or received in that moment does mean that it cannot change, but when we are quick to react to what we have no control of we rob ourselves of the opportunity to heal and grow. I was going through a very tough time with a family member who I love dearly and in the midst of the shift in our relationship I reacted instead of listening and understanding where she was to give her time to understand and respect my feelings. When I speak on giving people time I do not mean that it is ok to comprise your peace or accepting less than you are worth , what I mean is being able to express yourself recognizing where a person is and separating yourself peacefully until they are in a place to receive and respect you. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt and everyone is deserving of a fair chance to grow, the saying that those who know better do better is a very true statement but also it is a choice to want to do better.
In conclusion I want to encourage everyone reading today to take a moment and reflect on your life, your relationships and ask yourself “have I always operated in ways that are effective to not only myself but also my relationship with others?”. We all have made mistakes; we all have been in very low places in our lives that hinders our ability to think before we speak and be mindful of other peoples struggles and mental space. Life is a give and take and being patient with each is very important, giving people space and time to work on self is an important process that has to take place at some point in our life. We all go through different seasons in our life and in every season in order to learn from our experiences to grow it requires a level of discomfort. Getting out of familiar places and separating from familiar faces and energy. The key is learning how to communicate it and being okay with the reality that not everyone will be able or ready to accept it, but we cannot allow that to hold us back from moving forward. Be Patient with your process, be patient with yourself, and be patient with others in due time everything will make sense. Time is the master and we are the student be present in everything you do and remain grateful for everything you experience. It is not about what makes sense right now it is about how you adapt to changes that will make sense later.