Letting Go Unapologetically
/today I am letting go of all the limited thoughts, actions, and beliefs that I once relied on. I am learning daily that everything works according to a God's plans for each one of our lives. The hardest part about growth is changing our mindset once we can shift our perspective, we are now one step closer to walking in purpose. Our happy requires courage and commitment in a world filled with doubters and naysayers we must be brave. Each day that we are blessed with life our greatest act of gratitude is to be thankful and open to letting go of the struggles of yesterday. Today is a new day you are not the same person you were last week, last year, or last month. In each day there is new lessons to be learned and when we learn we apply and in applying these lessons we can grow. This is our season of preparation for the changes that are about to occur in our lives.
Friendships will come to an end, family will become estranged, not because we desire that but because, growth is personal, and it becomes a lonely period in our lives physical. The beauty is we are not alone in spirit it is our responsibility to trust that God is setting up the foundation for new and amazing things to be birthed into our lives. In order to receive new, we must make room the things we once enjoyed, the conversations we once entertained is no longer welcomed. The reason why Courage is needed is because you will find that people will begin to project their own insecurities unto you. We must be able to stand firm for our purpose and let go of what we were taught is right. Ask yourself this question is doing what is right according to others worth the compromise of your freedom, your peace, and joy. It is okay to be Unapologetically happy and free in purpose because you deserve to be happy and you were created to do amazing things.
“I Am Letting Go And To make An Investment ,
In Living An
Unapologetic Lifestyle In Purpose. ”
In closing I want to remind and encourage everyone that what is success to you may not be the same to another. We were not created to force our beliefs and desires unto others. We were created to learn, share, and grow, if the person you are striving becoming does connect in the familiar spaces you once were accepted it is okay to exit with love. Live a life that inspires others to believe in who they are, do not be ashamed of your past. The past molds and prepare us for the road ahead, it is not meant to hold us back. When the world is unwilling to divorce your past, you have the choice to let go and walk in confidence. You live and you learn you win some and you lose some in the end every experience was a valuable lesson worth learning.