Faith Walk
/For we walk by faith and not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7, how often do you choose to walk in faith, is it easy to walk in faith? I do not believe that is easy at first and sometimes depending on the situation we faced with it may seem impossible .To walk in faith is to fear God more than man, to trust the word of God even when it conflicts with mans demands, to trust God in every circumstance; believing that God rewards those who seek him. When we are faced with adversities if we are not mentally or spiritually grounded depending on the severity of the challenge. Choosing to walk by faith is a test that we experience daily and on many different levels. The question is how we handle the tests we experience are seeking people to complain to, blaming others, or are we busy making excuses. It is a natural reaction when we do not have strong faith in God’s love for us. Does this make us a bad person? No what this means is there is room for improvement for growing spiritually and strengthen our faith. Faith is not being able to believe only in visible evidence or only when things are flowing. It is important that we can smile and remain in gratitude even when we are uncertain about the outcome of your current circumstances.
I remember when I first decided to create unapologetic happiness, I felt very afraid for two reasons, one reason being I did not believe that anyone would read my blogs and secondly, I was not sure if I would be making the right choice. The reason why Unapologetic happiness exists today for the last two years is because, when my only options was to have faith and grow or be fearful and settle, I chose faith. I did not choose faith because it was the best option, I chose faith because I trusted that God would have never given me this vision without a plan for my life. The reason why most people never begin to bring their vision to reality is because their faith is tied to only what they can see to feel assured. The truth is having strong faith in God is the greatest assurance anyone of us could have in our life. I often reflect on the things that I have experienced in my life, situations that I was in where I could not see the light, but I knew that only God would be able to make a way. In the darkest moments I trusted that God would make a way and He has never let me down, people will fail you, jobs will fire you. The beauty about God is that his love is unconditional and even when we are in doubt we are still protected. Our responsibility is to stop being fearful and becoming a victim to every challenge we face, there is power in giving it all to God in prayer while you continue to keep an attitude of gratitude.
“I Know That God’s Love Is Perfect,
And His Plans For My Life Is
Greater Than My Own.”
In conclusion what most of us have failed at is accepting things and people for what they are and who they are. Accepting them does not make them right or the challenges we face less difficult, but it helps us to shift our energy to continue to patiently work. Pray and act, to patiently working is to keep going while we trust God to do a new thing in our lives. The more we set our intentions on walking in faith the more present we are to what each adversity we face is meant to teach us. In every situation there is a lesson to be learned and applied to who we are being and where we are headed. God did not create us to worry, nor did He create us to fear, he created us to worship daily and trust his will. Let go of the past hurts, forgive the people that once caused you pain, stop putting your dreams on whole waiting for people to show up for you. Show up for yourself and allow God to guide your steps, aligning you in the right places with the right people. Today I want you guys to say, “I am willing to walk alone in the flesh and walk with God in faith, God’s love is perfect, and I trust him.” Rise with enthusiasm for today walk by faith with confidence in all that you do because your security is in God.