The Signs Of Life
/There are many signs in life some that we may not like, nevertheless the signs are there for a purpose. There a moments in our life when our emotions will cloud our judgements, and when the smoke clears, we wonder how could we have missed the signs. The signs were always there, but when we are most vulnerable to our emotions versus using our natural instincts is when we miss the red flags. when we are feeling hurt, alone, and when we are experiencing difficult moments in our life. This is the time where most will focus more on being saved from their current situation or seeking an opportunity for a way out. The only way out of our circumstances in life is to face them and grow through them. Seeking the understanding of who you are and what can you learn from the experience is key and no matter what always remaining with an attitude of gratitude. In life every experience we face is a test of our faith, our character, and our strength. Life can be fun it and it can be simple If we choose it, am I saying that everything will be perfect all the time? no. What I am saying is that your life is determined by your attitude and your perspective of what you are experiencing. There are many ways to change and break the cycle of complicating the simple things in life, I want to share a few that saved my life and my mind.
The first step to breaking the cycle is to be present, when you are present in each moment you can not only enjoy the experience, but you are in tune to what is happening. There are moments that I can recall from my personal experience that I was caught up in my emotions and what I believed I needed that left me in a place of complete vulnerability. When we are vulnerable is when we are less present to our surroundings or the signs that are present. The reality is there will be days when the focus is needing a breakthrough which will come at a cast if we are not careful. The second step to breaking this cycle is through building a relationship with God, gaining the understanding of how amazing and Powerful God’s love is for us. The reason why I feel this is important is because growing up I knew of God, but I did not know him for myself. The downside to knowing of God but not knowing or having a relationship with God, my mindset was limited, and I gave so much credit to the devil for things that I was experiencing. In the last three years I decided to really take a journey with my spirituality and focus on building an intimate relationship with God. I was able to learn how to flow through life, how to not allow my mind to wonder, or allow my emotions to give opportunities for the enemy to sneak in.
“ “Follow the signs, embrace the detours, and appreciate the roadblocks along the way.””
In conclusion what I wanted to leave you all with today is that the signs in life are God’s way of showing us how much he loves us and Is proof that we are always supported. The question is are we ready to be guided on our journey, there are no easy routes in life the best route is through the word of God. I challenge you to pray about all things and be open to the constant changes in life. Give yourself the gift of knowledge on how blessed you are and understanding that what God has in store for you requires tests. Every day that we are blessed with the opportunity to experience life be present to receive all that you were created to. learn to accept what is without dwelling or taking it personal, 90% of the times we are so busy trying to hold on to things that God is working to remove. The blessing comes when we can let go and accept that everything has an expiration date, and when that time comes, we must be prepared to make room for our new adventure. The best Is yet to come stay focused, pay attention, and never allow your emotions to lead you a stray. Pray about everything this is not your final destination this is only the beginning of the rest of your life. “Follow the signs, embrace the detours, and appreciate the roadblocks along the way.”