Hope For The Best & Expect The Unexpected
/“There Is No Loss When You Live To Learn And Grow Another Day.”
The first and most important step on our journey to obtaining true success is the ability to identify our why. The second most important thing is being mindful of the amount of trust and expectations we put into people. Knowing your why plays a huge part in being self-motivated. There will be times when we are faced with obstacles that seems impossible to overcome, this is when remembering your WHY is important. It is natural for us to look forward to the people we believe are supposed to be our top supporters. Here is the harsh reality with this is no one is obligated to do anything they have a choice to either support you or not. The truth is there are people who would rather see you quit or fail first before supporting you or begin to even believe in your vision. I say we use that to fuel our drive to fulfill our purpose and make our dreams a reality. Break down barriers and exceed your own expectations they may not see it now but if you never quit one day they will love and grow to respect it. One of the key things that helped me is personal development, which is the one thing they forgot to teach us in school. It is the one thing that plays a huge part in our growth and on our journey to success. Personal development is us taking time to fuel our mind, energy, and perspective learning to understand and love everything and everyone where they are. This is the practice that helps us to not take life changing events, people and disappointments so personal. The reason we need to practice this is because it helps us to accept people for who they are on their level of consciousness.
One thing I have learned is that we must always expect the unexpected while hoping for the best and understand that it is not who you help will help you. Be open to changes and surrounding yourself with new people that are like minded. The only person we should and can always depend on is God. There comes a time in every one’s life when you must be your own cheer leader, your biggest fan, you must have limitless faith, and trust the process. Create a habit of still performing our best even when the stands are empty, and no is there to assure you of how good you are. We must be that for ourselves the more time we spend reconstructing our way of thinking and being, the less you care about negative opinions or lack of support. The more energy you put into getting the job done the closer you get to enrolling them into your vision. Nothing we experience is personal it is all a part of our growth process. Collect the No’s they are the practice needed along the way the no’s are just as important and as valuable as a yes. You learn more from losing than you do winning you learn how to keep going. Always remember what you put out is what you receive, if you do good the universe rewards you with good. Support and love everyone even those who does not have the courage to support you the only competition or race we are in is with time and ourselves.