Be Prepared For The Things You Pray For
/“Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it” this quote holds so much truth because so many people ask for things because of the blue print they have about what is good or bad what’s right or wrong that they truly lose sight of what is for them. When we say we want to achieve or attain specific things in our lives are we sure? better question are we ready to receive what we are asking for and are we ready to take on the responsibilities that comes with it. The idea of what we want is usually based on what we think we are missing and what we think is going to make us happy when in fact that is false and a self-defeating mentality. It is impossible to want something without seeing the value or reason in why it is important to you or even looking yourself in the mirror to be sure this is something you want and not a need. We have everything we need within the answers we need we already have access to but too often we choose to operate from a place of lacking and needing more. If you live your life chasing everything you will be burnt out because you allowed your self to run on empty never refueling yourself to be your best self. If everyday is about a chase finding happiness, seeking peace, and looking for joy that you will never find until you start looking internally.
The world is filled with a lot of wolves in sheep clothing and even when they do attack it is still on us to take responsibility for our role and what we did not pay attention to because in the moment you felt like this thing or person was a need. The chase forces us to jump head first at the first thing that resembles what we believe we are missing, a little bit of patience with our self-looking beyond what we can see with our bear eyes but to see with our intuition and instinct that is always working overtime. What if we allowed ourselves to tap into our true selves listening attentively for the answers that we need versus acting on emotion and impulse. the more we rely on answers externally is the more we deny our ability to figure things out and make the choices that serves us. The one thing that I have learned, and I am grateful to have learned is the beauty of not acting in moments when I am upset or feeling defeated, when I feel distress I simply turn to my inner peace. I take a moment to breathe, relax, and reflect I take note of what has happened I gain the understanding that this means nothing about me this is something that was rather put in place for reasons beyond my own understanding. Once I am calm, I focus on moving forward with what I have and allow everything else to fall in place at it’s perfect time. we do not have the power to make things happen before the time and we certainly do not have the power to change the life we are destined to live.
What I do know that we have choice we can choose to flow and grow through life or we can continue to wish away our struggles, ask for things we are not ready for or find value in, and constantly trying to be in control of when we think things are supposed to happen. I encourage everyone to believe that there is no power in fear and anger the power is in faith and gratitude, learn to be happy and grateful with the little that you do have so that God can continue to groom you to receive more in abundance. We must prove to him and only him that we are responsible and, in a position, to receive our blessings in due time. The race of life is not for a sprinter it is for those that can endure the storms and still smile because they know that it is all apart of the race, the only option is to keep going we all stumble , trip and even fall sometimes but never sit on the sidelines and never stop brush yourself off and keep going . The result is all worth the bruises the lessons will help be a guiding reference for every new challenge we are faced with as a reminder that nothing is too great for God to handle keep praying, keep working, keep smiling the medal is yours to receive. We can be our own worse enemy and our toughest critic, don’t be so quick to count yourself out, I believe if we are not being tested, we are not growing.