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/In these last five months that I have been committed to the 30 days of mindfulness challenge I have learned some very interesting facts about the thoughts and actions that people take. One of the things that I got present to is that everyone desires the idea of change and growth but are uncomfortable with the actual process. The idea of change cannot not be limited to specific areas of our lives because the reality is every area of our lives affect each other at one point or another. What I mean by that is being successful in your business but being unsuccessful in your personal life does not really benefit us, in the long run eventual that struggle will spill over into our business and these are some of the things that prevents us from truly reaching our highest potential. Elevation and change are necessary to all areas of our life we cannot desire to go higher but be so attached to the old that we continue to carry old thoughts, old actions, and people that are not conducive to your true desires for your life. This is difficult for most because they automatically perceive that this means they can no long live a life they enjoy which is a false belief and a limiting excuse, there are ways to elevate and still enjoy life engaging in things that are conducive and in alignment with who you are striving to become.
The idea of needing change is present when we realize that we are going in a never ending cycle with no real results or change , in that moment of recognition of what we need that is the moment to analyze all that you have been committed to meaning the people ,places, and activities you spend most of your time engaging in. This list is what will be a guide to what has not been working and moving forward choosing to make a change in these areas and replace them with what is mean to push us in a new direction. Your current struggles and circumstances have lessons on what to do differently to produce different results, we cannot expect change with the same attitude, circle of influence, thoughts, and focus. New solves all this is the part that most struggle with is to detach , detaching does not mean to hold grudges or create conflict it simply means making a decision that in this moment and time I have to commit my time wisely I have to invest and stop taking away from my future self by spending time doing things that only keep me in the same space. In life there comes a time where being selfish with your time is necessary in order to grow you cannot worry more about what others expect from you and what pleases them.
We must be careful When we say we want change after claiming it we must in return act according to the change we desire in order to align ourselves, you must be open to taking on new habits in order to produce new and elevating results. There is a shift that must take place mentally, physically, and spiritually the energy we allow into our space can do one or two things they can add value or distract us from our goals. The great news is we are in the position to choose what is best for us, which ultimately becomes the most difficult decision, it is hard because a lot of the times it requires us finally cutting ties from things or people that we have attached ourselves to. My word of encouragement to everyone reading today is to get present to the fact that there comes a time in everyone’s life when you must make the critical decision to enhance the quality of your life by letting go all that is holding you back and keeping your wings tied down. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your mind, your actions, and who you are committed to being, choose to live in the moment that promotes growth and true elevation.
““old habits will only keep us further away from unlocking our blessings , to elevate we must choose a change of lifestyle.’”