Access Your Inner Eagle
/This past Saturday I attended a credit repair and home owner workshop with my husband, right before the event ended the host said if she was ever asked to choose an animal to be which would it be “an eagle” because they soar alone and high. In that moment those words left her lips I felt like a light bulb went off in my head for multiple reasons. There are four season you have winter, spring, summer, and fall and through each season there are significant changes that must take place, in the fall the trees lose all their leaves, and, in the spring, they begin to bloom new and beautiful flowers. This is an accurate example of the stages that we must go through in each season if our lives to bloom especially when you are living in your purpose and working hard at bringing all your dreams to life. look at the eagle this is a bird that is not afraid to soar alone in any season because an eagle understands its purpose and it understands that in order to soar high it requires less baggage. When most people hear the term losing weight, they can sometimes only associate that to mean their physical body weight without realizing that majority of the weight we carry is not our own but the weight of others. The need to be comfortable than soaring in your purpose Is a terrifying thought to most so the choice is easy to remain in any situation that is comfortable no matter how good or bad it is.
In the last year of my journey of learning and focusing on self-healing and spiritual growth I learned a lot of painful and heart-breaking lessons. There were things and people that I had to finally come to terms that no matter how it looks to others I had to do what I felt was right to me which for me meant choosing not to compromise my emotional well-being. I understand that people will only do what we allow and if we choose to subject ourselves to things or people that does bring us joy or fulfillment, we are now responsible for the damages. There is choice we are all capable of making that will either elevate us or keep us bounded in guilt and fear, the only reason this happens so often is simply because too many of us do not understand our purpose and what it requires for us to soar. I was guilty of allowing guilt and what everyone would say dictate what I allowed and accepted from friends, but especially family members. It took a lot of praying and well invested time in analyzing myself and taking responsibility for who I was being , in choosing me I then had to be willing to let go of fear and being attached to the people I cared about , I had to accept that sometimes love is simply not enough when someone does not have the same intentions for you as you do them.
Although this is a hard pill to swallow when you are stuck between you choosing to live in purpose or choosing to compromise your happiness, I encourage everyone to be bold enough to choose you and be prepared to soar alone. This reality is sometimes we must temporarily take drastic actions in order to earn your respect from others without compromising any part of you. A lot of the times we never really know what or how good we have things until it is gone and sometimes, we missed just how much we have inside until we cut through some of the layers we have been buried beneath for so long. Give yourself permission to be fierce, fearless, and unapologetic about your life, your happiness, and purpose yours to create we owe it to ourselves to create and live the life we desire. We can have it all in due time it is all about how we react and our attitudes during the process we cannot wait to get our destination to be happy. Pay attention stay wise and stay alert in all that you do but most importantly follow your heart always listen to your intuition that little voice deep within is God’s way of protecting, revealing, and guiding us.
“An Eagle Uses The Negative Energy Of A Storm To Fly Even Higher.”