Winning Season
/Life will not always be a smooth sailing ship , there will be days where the winds are more severe. It is important to remeber that even when in despair life is a precious gift to us from God. We all have a purpose and we all have desires of the heart that sometimes just may not be in alignment with the plans that has already been written for our lives. Some will choose to learn the hard way and some will surrender to doing things His way. The key to be balanced in life we all must be open to learning the what not to do as we are excited to learn and duplicate on the what to do ?
“Become A Champion In Life By Conquering The Enemy Within.”
In this season of my life I am filled with gratitude for spiritual growth and understanding. For a long time growing up I would consider myself to be a sore loser at life. Everytime I experienced a shift or a change that was outside of my plans or I did not get the results I was anticipating i would be so upset. I would go on a rant about how unlucky I was and that nothing ever works out in my favor . I spent alot of time wishing life was easier and that everything was always working according to my plans. As I grew older and began to have more responsibilities I knew that there was a shift that needed to accur , I had to make a decision to either live my best life or or allow life get the best of me. I chose to live my best life being open and understanding of the challenges I must take on and the process we all have to go through. Everything that we pray and ask God for are prayers that are already answered according to his will for us ,we are the ones that have to get in line for our blessings.
In closing I want to remind you all that every season of our lives is our winning season weather we are experiencing promotions , financial breakthroughs, or we weather we are experiencing the storms of life. Where there is a storm there is a blessing, to recieve our blessings there are always lessons that follow. The lessons and experiences we go through are not to harm or disqualify us I like to think of them as God's way of preparing us for what is to come. The moment we stop living our lives by chance and change our perspective from why me to why not me be a willing vessel with a testimony to share is when we become true Champions. Each day we are blessed with life is a win and how we choose to live each day tells a story so what story are you telling daily? This is your winning season of challenges, love ,healing ,favor ,lessons , and blessings embrace them all with a heart of gratitude.