Defeat Is Not An Option
/“Defeat is not an option” When I read this statement or say it out loud to myself I am instantly filled with energy and a feeling of victory takes over. The mind is a very powerful tool which is why it is extremely important that we are mindful of what we fill it with. We can choose to fill it with negative limited thoughts or we can choose to fill it with positive limitless thoughts. Defeat begins in the mind we have to choose victory. In everything we do we must have a thought process that fuels us with energy and hope, words are powerful and a having a winning mindset and choosing words that speak life into our daily life is key. The truth is without even a failed attempt at something new or challenging our first thought and words is usually that we cannot do it. How will you know what you are capable of achieving if you never try?
If you were to do a recap on your life and keep a mental note how many opportunities have you passed on or failed at without getting started? I will be the first to admit that this why my way of thinking ,talking , and being with everything. If I was offered food that I may not have been familiar with my response would be that I did not like It. Before I became a mother my favorite story to tell was that I had no idea how to do hair . My daughter is almost three years old and has never had her hair done by anyone other than myself. I share this as my testimony as to what is possible when you choose victory and take action. We are all limitless beings limited by our words and thoughts , shifting our mindset is where defeat ends.
To be a winner is to not have evidence of how but having clarity on why mastering the thing that you are struggling with is important. All good things take time, patience , and consistency. We all have what it takes to win what we lack is the will power to have a no matter what attitude. We waste alot of time being a victim to life . Everytime we are faced with a set back we stay away from creating solutions instead we are quick to settle. It is never too late to change the course of your life ,simplicity is key ;making the necessary changes in our life makes a big difference. I challenge you all that after reading today you will begin to be mindful of the words you speak about you and your current circumstances in your life. We must begin to stop dwelling on how many times we fall and start celebrating each and every moment that God gives us the strength to get back up and try again. Defeat belongs to he or she that claims it, we must continue to be a working progress instead of standing still in sinking sand. "I am a winner and defeat is not in me."
“We Must Continue To Be A Working Progress Instead Of Standing Still In Sinking Sand.