Work Through Distractions
/“Make Each Day Your Masterpiece.
- John Wooden”
Distraction: a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something or extreme agitation of the mind or emotions. Have you ever noticed that when you are just taking each day as they come not being focused, in action or focused on your goals, steady in cruise control there is less challenge? Everything seems to just be going right in our favor or so we think, but the moment we finally take a moment to focus and set some goals with great intentions, once we put them out into the universe things begin to happen. It seems like everything is working against us, the feelings of anxiety, irritation, frustration takes over and our goals and plans go right out the window. We then give power to that thing and we put off our dreams for the next day, and the next day, and the cycle goes on. The reason why is we tend to be a little closed minded to the fact that everyday there is going to be stuff life happens daily to test us, we must understand that life does not happen to us it happens for us. It is a lot easier to just give in and keep putting things off that are important to us but note to self that when we do that we are only hurting our future self because time waits on no one.
I know for me there was a time and even sometimes now not as often as before, I have moments where I have my goals set out for the week from the time I wake up throughout the whole day. The moment something happens to disrupt my schedule I would instantly be over that day. I had to really sit myself down have a conversation with myself basically a reign check on the things that I say I want and what they mean to me. The second thing I did I started to look for books that were based on where I was in my life the things I was feeling, and practice taking on the things that I read. I also started working on my spiritual life making more time for prayer and devotion, understanding that without God present nothing works. I have learned that personal development, investing time working on myself is one of the biggest challenge I have taken on. However, it is one of the most valuable challenges and most beneficial, it takes discipline and hard work. If it was easy everyone would be doing it and there is no need to beat ourselves up we all make mistakes they do not have to define us, they don’t have to take over our life and every thought.
Recognizing the areas of struggle is an act in growing and getting better at being the best version of ourselves. It is about being able to remain focus even through distractions and adversity they are needed to test and build our strength. A jeweler cannot make a diamond without applying pressure, we are all diamonds in a rough just must apply pressure to shine we have keep moving no matter what. Majority of the time the things that distract us are what is dear to us like family, spouse, kids, parents. They are also a lot of our why’s in life so we must keep moving forward, majority of the time we are our own distractions our thoughts, our feelings stand in the way of putting on our big girl and boy hats on and get the job done. The great thing about the universe is once you put it out there once you ask for what you want you are now responsible for how to accomplish it. Excuses and complaining will not get us any step closer to our dreams they only take us closer to regrets and frustration. Pray, plan and take immediate action no matter what happens receive them collect the stories, they will be valuable in the end to share with others how you made it here.