Authenticity > Pretense
/I recently read a quote that said, “how we spend our days is, of course how we spend our Lives”, it made me sit and evaluate myself making sure that my thoughts, my actions, and who I am being is in alignment with what I desire for myself. It is not only important but is extremely critical to be mindful of who we are being because it is beneficial to your dreams, in other words if your words and your actions are not adding up your energy will not either. One thing we should always remember is that energy does not lie, and people will always gravitate to energy, if your words are not reflecting to what is within it means nothing. The question I ask is how are you living each day? how you are aligning your energy to match your words? because the only person this affects is in the long run is ourselves. It costs us nothing but a good life and freedom in being true to ourselves by walking the walk and talking the talk.
We have to respect ourselves first to earn the respect of others , If we spend each day pretending to be something that we are not we will spend the rest of our life trying to keep up with each and every false story we put out to the world and by doing this when will we have time to live in our truth. Each day is worth finding great purpose in loving yourself to embrace your true self and the magic you have within to share with the world. God created each and everyone of us in his image what that means is no one was made more amazing than another we are all equally and uniquely amazing beings. The reality is if we spend time doing only what we feel may bring forth acceptance of the world we will be responsible for existing only and never being able to find what we were created to. Our purpose is a gift from God and in order to find it we must first seek him and begin building an authentic and pure love with the higher powers within.
“Tune Into Your Truth
Live It
Breath It
Beam It.”
Today I want you all to ask yourself if where you are today is where you desire to be five years from now, does waking up every day excite you, are you feeling fulfilled, or are you just simply surviving instead of thriving. If the answer is not to all those questions, I am encouraging you to end the relationship you have with your external appearance and begin a new one with your inner self. Let us commit to living a new life your true and best life by accepting the gifts that God has blessed us with and being open and available to him to receive them. stop making excuses and investing time in silence with God building your spiritual connection, once that becomes a priority then everything else can flow and fall in place. Always remember having faith without work is dead, put on your warrior boots be prepared to fight fear walk in faith and be present in each moment to receive the lessons, blessings, and confirmations. The only way to live a life you love is to love you enough to live in your truth embrace your flaws and collect the scars along the way they will be the best and most precious part of your story.