The Greater The Vision The Bigger The Challenge
/When you reflect on your life and all the steps you had to take to get where you are today and the direction you are headed in today, is there anything about your journey that you would have changed or done differently along the way.? “Challenges are what makes life interesting, overcoming them is what makes it more meaningful”. The only thing I would consider changing would be how much time I spent complaining and singing the why me songs instead of being present in that moment and appreciating the unknown blessings in disguise. The person I am growing and striving to be today understands that I will never be able to get any of that time back and I most certainly cannot change any of my actions or thoughts. The only thing I can do is be in control of me and strive to not repeat those same things I would like to change. Realizing now just how precious time is, I now go through each day with my focus and intentions set on growing and learning a new lesson daily. Why? Because in taking on this I find myself being more open to adversities and excited about life, I spend more time laughing and appreciating what I like to call God’s always on time sense of humor.
I will write down my plans for each day and sometimes for the upcoming week in advance down to the hour and as I shared in a video blog last week, I have an alarm set for each task from a beginning to an end time. I am aware that everything will not go exactly the way I anticipated or would like for it to go, this was one of my biggest struggles in the past I would get so disappointed and frustrated whenever I was unable to complete my tasks. There are moments where I still need to take a moment and remind myself that what is out of my control there is no sense in dwelling and wasting time and energy. I will say since I have been on this journey of building my vision it has helped me to become a lot more patient with timing and challenges. I have been learning that I am capable of enduring much more than I allowed myself to before. One thing I have mastered is that when things do not go as planned and there is a shift in my schedule is to shift and find the next best task that is possible to be achieved at that time. This is also one of my main reason that I stand behind the theory that we should always write down all that we wish to accomplish daily. From my own experiences I feel taking this step provides a sense of clarity, why? Because if I am unable to complete a specific goal at a time I can look at my list to see what I can do while my main task is on delay, if I do not have a list or an idea of what my next commitment is naturally I may be in panic mode focusing on the delay and what I cannot change.
“Never Regret Anything In Life .
If It’s Good It’s Wonderful.
If It’s Bad, It’s Experience .”
I have a list as a guide for my day, for every task I have listed I take on one task at a time, in each time slot I am hundred percent committed. Plan B’s are something I always viewed as a distraction depending on the situations especially when it goals to goals and prioritizing your day, daily guidance is the key to a productive day for me. Do not focus so much on being busy work harder on grasping the art of patience and humility, no matter how specific you are in planning remember things do not always go according tour plans, the areas we struggle in the most is because God loves us so much he will test us in these areas not to break us but simply to strengthen us. This takes a lot of patience and faith in ourselves and God’s plans for our lives. While we are mastering life and ourselves remember to remain humble, god does not reward arrogance or ignorance. Spend less time judging, blaming, and complaining about people and the things we cannot change. Most importantly remain true to yourself and what is in your heart God cannot bless who you are pretending to be.