Fall In Love With Life
“Enjoy this moment this moment is your precious life.” “Money will never be as precious as this one life we live.” “The most precious gift of life is to be alive.” life can be very unpredictable one minute you’re here the next minute you are gone, one minute you're up the next you are down. Our life can literally change in the blink of an eye sometimes for the best, sometimes the unexpected takes place in our darkest moments. The only thing you can be sure about is that life is always going to take its natural course, so instead of trying to change it or get upset about it lets try embracing life with open arms and a smile. No matter what is going on the key is to live never let the cares or troubles of this world take you down or make you frown, try not to take life so personal. Always remember you are not the only one that is going through stuff you are not the only one experiencing a loss, everyday someone else is going through the same or worse. Life does not happen to us it happens for us, for every time we go through something we learn something new about ourselves we develop a new skill, we learn our strengths and focus on growing from our experiences.
“Love The Life You Live And Create The Life You Desire ”
There was a time when whenever I went through a tough time or an unexpected series of events I would get so upset that I would say things like “story of my life, why me, I have no luck” and so forth. The more I did that the longer the problem seemed lingere, the more I complained the harder it seemed to get, the more I kept it to myself I felt as if I was suffocating with anxiety, doubt and fear. It is always easy to take that route but understand that the problem never goes away when you pout or cry and instead of living in gratitude we begin to only exist letting life get the best of us, when really, we are created to make the best out of life. The next time life starts to happen guess what love it anyhow embrace it, the more you live the more you learn is the more you grow. Instead of asking why me the next time just say thank you God for what I am about to receive, for the lessons that I am about to learn and the blessings that will flow. Instead of having day filled with complaints and worries choose to have a day filled with joy, gratitude and become solution oriented. Fall in love with your life and all the beauty of it do not wait for money or material things to make you happy be unapologetic about your happiness on purpose.