Universal Connection
Have you ever felt like you have been in the same space for a long time with no progress, and seems like nothing has been working and your prayers are not being answered? God is always working and always answering prayers we must put ourselves in the position to receive what we have been asking for. We must ask ourselves when we ask for things are we listening, are we available to him, are we meditating with him, and connecting with him on a deeper level than just for what we want? Asking for what you want also comes with responsibilities you must not only ask for it, but you must begin to get connected to hear the answer to see the signs. A lot of the time our lifestyle and even being too busy for even our self is what prevents us from getting out of that cycle. We are sometimes guilty of always praying for things to change while continuing to do the same things and taking the same approach at life because of that we get the same results.
Another very important thing we must do is practice communicating with the universe in a positive and receptive way. You know that saying “be careful what you say or what you put out there because you just might get it.” That is true if you are the kind of person that when you are going through a challenging time you say things like “its just my luck, nothing good ever happens to me, I never win, I can’t do anything right “and the list goes on. The fact is you have claimed all these negative things, you have lacked the faith to believe in what you have prayed for you are not trusting of the process. Another bad habit that most struggle with is putting a time stamp on when we want to start changing or waiting to get to a specific place to start changing. If you change things will change when we begin to change our perspective on life and how we handle adversities, how we think and communicate with the universe then will we begin to elevate.
“We Have To Pray With Our Eyes On God , Not On The Difficulties .”
The dreams and visions we have for our lives requires growth to live our best life possible. We must talk about our dreams with a selective and trusted few constantly mediating and visualizing on what our life would look like when we get there. Spend less time complaining and more time praying, planning, writing down our goals and taking great action to see your dreams manifest. It is not that we are in denial about our present situation, but our present situation is just the motivation we need. For example, when we are talking about our problems or all the setbacks slowly our energy seems drained, but when we are talking about our goals and our intentions for the day our energy is higher because we are focused on our purpose and not what limits us. Let us hold each other accountable speak life into each other, limit the distractions change our conversations with the universe and people. Make time for change by setting our intentions on God and follow his lead. I recently heard a powerful translation of the word help it stated “hello eternal loving presence “which I loved because instead of asking for help as a victim of circumstance we are asking for guidance.