Sacrifices Should Lead To Progress & Not Regrets
/“Sacrifice Comes Before Success!”
Fulfilling my dreams fulfills my spirit, i am at peace and filled with joy when I am working to receive what I deserve. I am in a space where I anticipate seeing how what I do will inspire others,and what kind of impact will my vision have on the world. There are times when fear is present in my mind ,I begin to ask myself are you ready for this and do you believe you are capable of being the one to touch, move, and get people inspired and excited to get started on their journey to true success and happiness. My blog is titled unapologetic happiness because I wanted to remind people of what it feels like to go through life operating freely like a child in spirit as an adult. I wanted to remind people that being an adult does not mean you forget how to laugh and not worry, becoming so focused on life’s responsibilities you are unable to take a moment to relax and appreciate even the air you breathe. The way we are being is extremely important and when we can access our inner child joy our days are more exciting and we are able to be happy despite all the bills we have, or any other life circumstances that are present.
Having a belief system set on doing things the right way and living up to societies standards is what most people struggle with breaking free from. They miss the bigger picture and what is important which is to live life. The life you live are you loving it, are you enjoying it, are you grateful for the life that you have been blessed with?. Most times not many are because when you live your life based on a scale of expectations that are set by age, and what level of education you have .Unfortunately you will spend a lot of time being frustrated because you are busy trying to meet the stamp of approval. As a person who once lived their life striving to do everything the right way to ensure that my mother was proud. Whether or not it was something I really enjoyed if the money was good I committed and I went through the motions daily. I will share with everyone reading today that this was the most miserable and lowest point in my life, what made it even more depressing was the fact that I was so unhappy. I did not feel like I was doing my best and I was going to get fired. Getting fired was not any news I wanted to give to my mother at the time I was only twenty, or twenty-one. I was at the age where you’re considered old enough to start building your future and young enough not to rush and enjoy your young adult years of learning and growing. I did not see that I felt like I had a goal to meet by any means necessary so I was always hard on myself by choice.
It was by choice because my mother never told me I owed her for any of her sacrifices of being a mother, I just knew she made great sacrifices and I never wanted them to be in vein. Where I went wrong and got lost like most, is that I failed to understand that our parents wanting to be proud of us does not require us to sacrifice our true self and dreams. They may suggest things that they believe would be great for us financially but I am sure they would not want us to be unhappy at the same time. Being unhappy with the choices we make in life if one is not strong mentally that can lead to devastating results. What I want to share and encourage everyone to take on today is to stop assuming that wanting to make the most important people in your life proud means becoming someone you are not. When you come to the point in your life where you are on a mission to create the life of your dreams start by asking yourself for permission to be great. Secondly commit your plans to God, exercise your faith, get to work and show the world especially your loved ones how happy you are doing what you want, when you want unapologetically. The sacrifices we make in life should only take us to the next level in our life and not creating false beliefs and practices to be accepted.