Get In Alignment With Your Goals
/When I sit, and I look at my life now and I reflect on my vision for the future I put them together to see if they are in alignment. The reason I do this is simple we have to begin to do the things that benefits our future self. We cannot say we wish for a specific lifestyle, but our daily actions are going in the opposite direction. I am writing today to encourage everyone to start taking action steps towards their goals, start sacrificing some of the things that are not beneficial for ones that are. Chasing our goals come with sacrifices we must decide what are some of the things or people we need to release to get there. I will say for me sleep is it for me simply because I am a new mother and I work around my baby girl. I have no boss, and no one monitoring my every move I have to do this around her schedule, so sometimes this leads to late nights finishing a task. For most this would be very hard because you have some people that need a boss to work. People like myself if it is something that brings us great fulfillment we commit because it is necessary and benefits us in the long run. I will say it is not the easiest thing to do being self-employed and being a full-time mother, but every moment spent watching her be free and creating a life around her that I love is priceless. There are times when it can be a bit challenging but instead of getting discouraged or give up I look at all the ways that I am blessed and how much fulfillment I feel every day.
“...instead of getting discouraged or giving up, I look at all the ways that I am blessed...””
Every day I set my intentions to do something that gets me closer to accomplishing my goals It is very easy when things are not going as planned to get discouraged and it is even easier to quit. A few steps I take to stay encourage is to first pray about the way I am feeling and ask God to restore my mind and release the spirit of doubt. In addition to that I like to get busy instead of sitting and feeling defeated and unmotivated I remain in action. There is that saying the days you don’t feel like showing up, show up any ways. Finally, another step I take is I reach out to some one that I know will give me the best advice and not allow me to complain and be a victim. This is very important and beneficial to be mindful of you never want to call any one that is going to allow you to complain rather than find a solution complaining is only doing a disservice to your self and your growth. Always remember even when things seem to be rough and you cannot see a way out remember there is still always more to be grateful for. It is our obligation to our self to keep going, surround ourselves with people that challenges us to work harder and when all else fails please remember why you got started.