A Beautiful Pillar Of Strength
/This last week I have spent time just being present with myself and how blessed I am, we all are blessed even when it seems like there is no way around the rough times. When I look at my mother, I see beauty but when I think about her journey, I see strength an incredible amount of strength. The irony is although she is beautiful, she never allows her external beauty to define her or strop her from being afraid to go through the swamps and gutters to ensure that her kids and herself is taken care of. Her ability to remain true, kind and a loving being to others through her scars her beauty within shines from within. When a woman’s only focus is their external beauty and relying only on that we lose sight of just how valuable we truly are and what we are capable of. Beauty will fade over time life is not about having a beautiful face it is about being beautiful internally and not being afraid to be a beautiful example of strength, courage and faith, allow there to be more than meets the eye. In this life people will only respect you when you demand the type of respect you deserve and display for yourself without arrogance. Nothing good in life comes easy and we are more than just a face and a body we are divine beings created by an infinite God that expects nothing but greatness from each and everyone of us because he blessed us all with a great purpose to fulfill.
Today in this current state getting more surgical procedures done to enhance one’s physical appearance instead of taking care of their bodies. They believe that doing this makes them more attractive and that any guy would be lucky to have them, without realizing that you can have the most beautiful face and appealing body but with substance or a good attitude it means nothing. A man will only enjoy you for a moment until what they truly want in a woman presents itself, a lot of the time women will say things like “if you cheat on me please let it be someone that looks better than me.” The reason why it should offend you is not because you believe you look better it should offend you because, the reality is it is not about what she looks like it has everything to do with who she is that he is attracted. The time spent tearing down another woman invest time to ask questions to understand the difference between physical beauty and being a beautiful soul. You can Be the most beautiful woman in the world, have the highest level of education, the highest paying career, and all the finest things in life but without a higher level of consciousness and the ability be humble and kind it means nothing.
“Your Beauty Is Your Strength .”
Women have the power to be amazing, loving, and beautiful beings with the right mindset and pure intentions, on the other hand some choose the love of their external beauty and all their accomplishments to define them and dictate their attitude and actions towards others. With that level of thinking you are not as strong as you can be, and you are not as amazing as you were created to be everything is only a superficial belief at surface level. I encourage all my ladies today to dig a little deeper love yourself beyond what you see and be humble with everything you have accomplished in life. The appearance of perfection is an unrealistic way of living peace and happiness can only be present in our life when we are operating from our true self and being authentic. We are stronger than what we believe, and we have more to offer than a beautiful face and an attractive body appealing to the eye. Invest some time in reclaiming your power and loving you enough for the world to love and respect you like you deserve, be kind and loving always and that will come right back to you. Be a beautiful pillar of love and humility, get present with the strength you possess always remember you are who you are being and not what you do or acquire along the way.