Reclaim Your Power
/“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” most people’s biggest setback in life is being comfortable even when that place of comfort is toxic and benefits them in no way. It is very common for most of us to remain in a place of familiarity than to step out into the unknown because of fear, we must decide whether our fear is greater than the love we have for ourselves or is our love for ourselves greater than fear. As women it becomes second nature to make sure that everything and everyone around us is well taken care of without ever taking a second thought about our own well-being. Especially when in a relationship some women associate losing themselves for a great expression of love for their significant other, without ever recognizing that are deserving of so much more. The problem is not that this is demanded by the people in their life, this behavior stems from a lot of things such as, learned behaviors, stereotyped expectations placed on women, and lastly but most important the lack of love growing up which became a lack of self-love and not knowing one’s value.
I believe that it is not only important but beneficial for women to make sure that they are well not only physically but mentally, and emotionally. It is unreal to be everything for anyone else when you are lacking self-acceptance and the ability to be everything for yourself. It is unrealistic to give what you do not have it just become actions of approval because, deep down inside the constant giving wears us down when we fail to pour into ourselves first. This is very common cycle for most women, giving more than they can afford to give is self-defeating. In order to take back their power by tapping into what we already have access to, the first step is investing time with self. The second step is to begin to love yourself with a clear understanding that we are not lacking anything we have what it takes to be amazing but only through self-acceptance and self-love will we create this. A few years ago, that was me when I met my husband, I was just getting out of a relationship that was very toxic and I was that girl doing everything to be enough for someone else, I forgot to leave some for myself. My husband was like a breath of fresh air but even though he was everything that I wanted the timing was not right I was not ready. As a result of that there was a point in our relationship after dating for two and a half years, we went our separate ways for six months. This was very hard because the insecurity in me feared him meeting someone else but underneath I still had faith that what is for me will be for me.
That was the best decision we could have ever made it was beneficial to both of us because during that time I began to attend group work outs and attending events that were all focused on personal development and wellness. I fell in love with the feeling and I learned that the secret to reclaiming my power was by committing to loving myself a hundred a percent by taking care of my body, and my mind. The amazing irony was during that time my husband who was boyfriend at the time took time to learn a lot about him and even began to take care of his body and health serious. When we decided to come back together, we were both in a different space mentally and physically, I was now capable of loving him because I had mastered the art of loving myself first, becoming confident, and having self-respect. In return he learned to love and respect me because of who I was being, people can only love and respect you at the level of love and respect you give to yourself. This was only possible because I had the courage to reclaim my power that I allowed to be taken from me. I shared this today to say just because something or someone may be right for you if you gain access to it at the wrong time you will never see the true magic of what it is meant to be. Have faith in God and believe in your divine purpose of who you were created to be, self-healing comes when self-love is present and intentional.
“It Is Now Time To reclaim Your Power You Have Always Had It.
-Shelly Sullivan ”