Navigate Your Vision With Confidence


Confidence: is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities. Having confidence is one of those things that can come naturally for some and can be a struggle for others. we must first believe in ourselves and what we are doing it is easy to speak about our dreams but do we really believe in them, do we believe in ourselves that we can get it done? A lot of the times our lack of confidence stems from us waiting for others to believe in us. we look for the people we love for example family, friends, and significant others approval first before taking that great step to be bold enough to make it happen. The problem with that is majority of the time they are the last ones to get on board, you are blessed if you get one or two out of those people to jump on board with you from the start. That is okay we must understand that your vision is yours people do not have to see it, believe in it or understand it, it is up to you to bring that vision to life be confident in your words and your actions.


We all pray and have high hopes that the people in our lives will be the ones to cheer you on, build you up, and encourage you to make things happen, and that can be a little hard to accept it does not happen. There is no need to get upset or discouraged, the key to success and making our dreams come through is believing in yourself before anyone else does. we must have our mind set up to accept that it will never be easy and sometimes it could take years before people start to see your vision. That too is ok you keep walking confidently, keep working aggressively, be patient with faith you never know who is watching and just waiting to invest in you. A lot of the times when people say no it does not always mean no it can also mean not right now, keep working they are watching eventually the no will and can become a yes. It is up to us to be so confident and consistent that people begin to see your vision and want to be a part of it.


We cannot spend time telling others what your dreams are and waiting for their approval to get started, doing that brings forth nothing but doubt, what happens is you will get people telling you what is possible and not possible for your life. Telling you what they believe is for you and because we lack confidence we get discouraged and begin adjusting our vision to fit what others want from us. In the process we get lost and later down the line we become resentful. Get up, get to work paint the picture as big as you want, as wide as you want, some will get it some will not and that's ok love the ones that do and love the ones that don’t yet. If you are happy doing what you love is what is important. Live a life that you love, love the life you live we have the power to be anything we want to be if we just put our minds to it remain confident and believe that it is possible.

Our Vision Does Not Need Validation Or Approval , Our Vision Needs Consistency , Confidence , And Hard Work.

Transformation Of The Mind Tuesday- Channelling Energy

Everything and everyone does not deserve your energy or focus ,our purpose in life is not to try to be in control of everything. Our job is to focus on us who we are being and allow other's to be true to their nature. Know when to fight and when to choose your peace and let God be the master. There is great blessings in the unknown and great lessons in the advertisity.

Be Careful With Words

Before Speaking Be Mindful Of What You Say And How Would You Receive It.

How many of you remember that old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me “. Growing up I really believed in that I would say I don’t care what people say about me if they do not touch me everything was okay The older I got I started realizing that words often do hurt more than a physical action. Even   constructive criticism or advice can be hurtful at times because, it is not that what you are saying is bad or wrong it really could just be how the message was given. I have been one that struggled with the way I chose to give advice or my opinion on something when asked. It is ok to be honest, it is ok to want the best for a friend or family member; the key is to make sure your words are not so piercing. The truth is you do not mean to hurt them but we can get so passionate about a subject that we forget to take each other’s feelings into consideration before speaking. In all essence it all boils down to being about not what you say but how you say it.


One of my best friends who I have been friends with for over ten years we would always never seem to agree on a lot sometimes, or she would be upset with me after having a conversation or asking for my opinion or advice. I never could understand why because in my mind I thought I was being a good friend, I thought I was being honest you know “that’s what real friends do” so I thought. I even experienced this at times with my mother because she is such an important part of my life at times I can get so passionate about something she may have done or said that I do not agree with or me just being over protective in that moment my message was not received well, in that process of stating how I felt I hurt her. These were things I had to get present with and really take the time to understand what I was doing wrong, learning how and who I was being for others.


The problem was never that I said anything wrong the problem was I did not understand that there was a time and a place for how and when I gave my honest opinions. Meaning that just because they came to me during the time things are taking place does not mean they are ready at that moment to receive my message. In that moment all they needed was for me to listen to understand not listen to critique or correct.  In the heat of events emotions are high nobody is ready to really accept reality, so there were times I had to tell myself to be quiet and listen not right now. We must be careful that in the process of giving advice to someone it does not come off as judgement being passed, we all at one point or another are guilty of looking into someone’s life or situations saying “that would never be me, I would never do that “. We cannot say what we will or will not do until we are in that position, they key is to love on them where they are listening to understand and when the time is right share our insight and knowledge when they are in a place to receive what you are saying. My Advice to everyone reading is to take more action in listening to understand, offer comfort and love. The best we can do in the meantime just pray for them, prayer and love are all people need let God work on their healing internally.

Honesty = Trust

“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair”, do you believe that trust can be restored in relationships?  I believe it is very possible if both individuals are willing to do the work, one must be willing to forgive without judgement and one must be prepared to work to earn it back.   Both party must be   transparent with each other and taking responsibility for their role in the situation that has damaged the level of trust.  Trust is an action that takes mental strength and spiritual growth, just saying you trust someone verbally and being emotionally disturbed internally is the same as not trusting or forgiving. It is extremely important that we can communicate to each other exactly how the actions taken have affected you, and both parties must be open to listen to understand, not to justify or judge the other person. It is not for us to hold on to and continue to use it against each other every chance you find fitting forgiving is the first step to regaining your level of trust with each other.


From listening, analyzing situations, and even from my own personal experience the blame game is never a winning game for any one, this only leaves everyone in constant turmoil and aggression.  What ever we do is our choice blaming someone else for our action is just a short cut around taking responsibility for your part in the conflict. When we resort to placing blame, there is no resolution because the other person will object to that claim, which is right no one has the power to make us do anything we do not want to. self-control is also very important in relationships, even when the trust has been affected, we must be aware of our actions and how we are working to show that we are deserving of their trust. Being honest even when it hurts is a must, sometimes we think hiding the truth to spare someone’s feelings is better than telling the truth. I have learned someone will appreciate a respect your honesty before they respect a lie, if you must choose between being honest or lying choose to save your name by telling the truth.

No Legacy Is As rich As Honesty.

In the end your word is all you have and while having flaws are easy to work with, trying to make things work with some one who refrains from telling the truth is an impossible fix. If you want trust   always to be truthful in any relationship or situation you are in it doesn’t cost to be honest but there is a lot to be lost when you lie. Who you are being your character is something that people will always remember doing all the good in the world means nothing if your character and name is no good, in life most people will always remember the bad before they congratulate you on the good.  I share this to say in   life we must live to the best of our ability and in a way that reflects the good intent of our heart as a person.  The world is full of people that are scared to live, great pretenders, and people that are misunderstood, we need more leaders that are not afraid to live, be authentic, and most importantly they pride themselves on honesty   honoring their word.