/Have you ever really noticed that when the end of the year is approaching or at the beginning of a new month is when most of us tend to always have a million excuses, and everyone else to blame but our self as to why we didn't accomplish specific goals in the time anticipated. In my experience I believe that no one is responsible for us getting things done but us, how can we say we are eliminating people or because of this person I was not able to get the things we really want done. We all can get things done the problem is majority of the time we lack self -discipline we fail to prioritize our days and our time and commit to fulfilling our agreements with our goals. We often tend to allow our phones, friends or family to distract us, it is up to us to set up boundaries and rules around our goals. If you have a goal that is very important to you and the cost of not accomplishing it is too high to risk it, this is the time you make the choice to sacrifice the things or people that is necessary to get this task done. Being disciplined is as simply as you are making just a choice of what you want now or what you want more.
This is something that everyone struggles with at one point or another in our life it takes practice and the changing of our mindset. I am also guilty of this I am a lot better today than I was in the past, I kept practicing until I saw progress the beauty is that I am still growing each day, understand that we will never get it right over night. It was a big struggle for me especially my hours set aside to work, if a family member or friend called me during that time I would always stop to answer my phone or respond to a text. I even struggled at times to avoid checking social media in between. I justified these behaviors by telling myself I was good at multitasking, when I was just pulling myself in too many directions all at once. The results I got from that was pure frustration and disappointments because I was not giving a hundred percent of my attention to the task I set out to do. My thoughts were now controlled by outside forces, the lesson I learned was that I will never complete anything if I continued to work like that. So, what I started to take on was restoring my energy and setting my intentions before I started doing anything productive. I must make sure my energy and my thoughts are clear. I committed to praying first then I take a moment to sit in silence and listen to my inner guiding spirit. I then take about twenty minutes to read something of substance and beneficial to my mind, I refrain from any negative conversations or negative activities remember negative thoughts bring forth negative results.
Setting rules and boundaries around your goals is not to be rude to anyone it is to keep ourselves on track with what we must get done. It is about making sure that the people that are important in your life have a clear understanding of what you are doing and what you need from them. It is okay to even set up time slots and put it out there from this time to this time I will not be answering phone calls, texts, or social media alerts. Once you set up your mind that whatever you are doing at any moment that is your only focus you are now holding yourself accountable and being responsible for your goals. If you do not get it done there is no one to blame but yourself and if the people in your lives cannot respect your boundaries they are no longer a necessary piece to the puzzle. It is our duty to live on purpose in our purpose everyone will not make it. The conversations we have the things we partake in has a lot to do with the thoughts we have and how we work. My challenge for us is to be deliberate about our work when it is work time we are giving a hundred percent to work so that when it is family time or time to relax, we can enjoy these things without the worry of what you didn't get finished or trying to do both at once. All success begins with self-discipline it begins with you.