Life Is A Gift

When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing that comes to your mind, what are some of the feelings that are present, are you taking those first few moments to be in complete gratitude and awareness? I believe the first few seconds that our eyes are open is our entrance to a new day filled with new possibilities, the thoughts you have , what you do, and what you feel in those first few seconds is extremely important to the tone of your day. If the first few seconds of you entering a new day begins chaotic, unorganized , and results in you  exhaling frustrated about getting your day started there is a strong possibility  this will be one of those days that no one will be excited about or looking forward to. There are great benefits in making your morning routine a priority to set your intentions and centering your thoughts for the day. Tomorrow is not promised neither is it a guarantee for anyone, it is a precious gift from God. No matter what you are dealing with in life the gift of life should out way the temporary obstacles of life. Just like receiving diamonds, a new car, or a designer bag can make some people happy or feel better when they are feeling down that is how we should feel about waking up each day.

A few years ago, this was how I started my days off, I woke up and instantly I am in active failure mode, because I am doing ten things at once and at the same time it feels like there is no progress being made. I was only getting frustrated and this energy often lingered through out the rest of the day it goes from me claiming I am having a bad morning to having a bad day all together. One of my biggest excuses was that I did not have enough time in the morning because I had to be at work by a specific time and I could not afford to be late. By making that my  excuse I was simply saying in my actions that I could afford to go days without being grateful and present, but i could not afford to be late for the job that God blessed me with.. The result of me losing sight of what is important and extremely necessary to my well being lead to most days feeling worse than others while some days felt like they went by without me even getting a second glance. Going through these motions day in and day out was not working well for me and I often asked questions like “why can’t i  ever just have a good day”. looking back now I realize that It was not that I was having bad days I was just receiving the energy I was putting out, and I kept going in circles. God kept giving me the same test and I kept failing because I failed at starting my day with gratitude, awareness and a change in my perspective.

I was too busy making excuses and trying to take on each day without being thankful first, committing my plans to God, I was too busy not having time to make sure my energy was pure each day. One thing that I have learned is that in life you will get back exactly what you put out. The only way to be able to pour outward we must make the time and commitment to pour into ourselves first. To set your intentions on making the best out of every day you must first start with being present.  Present to the fact that we are undeserving a lot of the times but because of God’s undenying love for us we are blessed continuously despite all our flaws. I challenge you all to ask yourself is your job or any other commitments you have more important than investing some time to being grateful each morning?  I want to encourage you all to start focusing on growing spiritually and trust that the universe will take care of the rest. If we do our part in being aware of who we are being and the type of energy we are putting out to expect it in return. Stop worrying about the cost and not having time make a promise to yourself and commit to becoming the best version of yourself inside and out. Charge this to your hearts and repeat this promise to yourself before you get started on your day. Today I am happy and grateful for life, I am aware and open to all that the universe has to offer I have never lived this day before and I will not allow my trials of yesterday to affect my Purpose in today.

The Greatest Gift You Can Receive Is Another Day Of life

Dare To Evolve

Appreciate The Present As It Is A Blessing

“The prize is in the process “, a lot of the times we are unable to realize that we have already received the prize of life. The moment we begin to get started and commit to our dreams we have already won, the hardest part about life is understanding that we access to power of choice. The choice to make a difference in your life and in the world stems from having great desires, it is much easier to stick to the script by playing it safe and living life the way we were taught.  A lot of people have developed this limited way of thinking and being, they believe that the goal is to work hard now focus on doing the right thing and when you get the job you want, the house, the car, or the finances, that is where life begins and that is when they can be happy.  The problem with this is when you have arrived at this point in life you will find the journey is what you will miss the most and you will also find that there is a lot of things you will regret not doing. It hurts more when you realize that you didn’t get to do them by choice. You were so busy chasing the future and the dream that you never took the opportunity to enjoy and appreciate the process and the lessons you had to learn to get where you are presently.

Life is not about making or having time, life is about having priorities and making the decisions to pray, plan, and execute. Is it easy? no but it is well worth it, the real challenge is being responsible for what we desire and asking from the universe. you must to be ready and open to new possibilities and new challenges the bigger we ask the bigger the test we face. Without passing the test it is impossible to advance to the next level without developing the skills and the knowledge to proceed boldly.  There are simple everyday necessities that are put in place to guide us through life that we can either take full advantage of or take it for granted and regret it later. Some of the things that are extremely important is our health, committing to living a healthy active lifestyle is the first and most important part of our mission. The Second is committing to the evolution of our minds becoming more mindful and aware of the thoughts we are have, the action we take daily, the things we listen to, and conversations we are engaging in daily.

In addition to all of  the above we must commit to being true to ourselves,and doing things from a place of truth. Doing the things that we truly want to do not for money or because it will make anyone else happy.  The goal in life should be centered around what brings you joy and fulfillment, time and free will and lastly  brings you  to finding your purpose that is bigger than yourself. Once we can become a master of ourselves and living a discipline lifestyle we will begin to get closer and closer to accessing the finest and highest feelings abundance. It is our choice to master the beauty of awareness and gaining the understanding that our true self is built in a space of divine being and expanding of the soul. There is no rules or restrictions to how much we have access to when we are in control and open to being free and alive. Your true desires will always manifest at the right place and time just remain open to new and keeping your mind elevated in love and positivity. You have the choice to align yourself, something I took from my mediation yesterday he stated that,” the path of evolution brings wisdom, setting your intentions on pleasure is a temporary a shallow fix”. Pleasure is good but give yourself permission to set deeper priorities that forces you to be uncomfortable and evolve through learning. Remember true happiness comes from making a choice to be as happy as you want right now, where you are, with what you have right in this moment.

It Begins With You

There are two types of people in the world the believers and the blamers, the people that understand that the universe is prepared to work for you and not against you.  The blamers are the people that go through life with the attitude that the world revolves around them, everyone owes them something and they spend a lot of time blaming others for their short coming.  Instead of taking a moment to analyze their life and choices from a different perspective to get some clarity and understanding of why they are where they are and who they are being. they will spend more time seeking temporary outlets to distract them from focusing in what is important and necessary to their wellbeing. They Pretend they are happy for the moment but when no one is present that feeling of loneliness and emptiness surfaces again. They are smiling and going through the motions by day and by night they are hit with reality and are more present to the fact that this is not really working for them.

 Making the decision that you have had enough and you are tired of settling in your disfunction is the first step, secondly you must be willing to love your true self and accept who are. You must believe that you are enough and the fact that we were all wonderfully made. No one lacks the capability of being their extraordinary self-most people lack the ability to make sacrifices and commit. A lot of people believe that living a conscious life and being aware of your energy means you are not having fun. For example, as a trainer people will share with me the goals they have for their body and I in return guide them on what needs to be done. I have gotten responses such as “I only have one life to live, I need to have fun, and live”, and I will always ask do you want to enjoy your one life repairing the damages later or would you rather live now for the future? Because when I hear responses like those that means they are only living for the right now and thinking about only this moment without realizing how their choices today can affect them later. 

The Key To Growth Is The Introduction Of Higher Dimension Of Consciousness Into Our Awareness
-Lao Tzu

 I share this today to say living your best life today in whatever version you believe is your best life, if you are not left feeling excited, fulfilled with purpose in anything you are doing then you are only lying to yourself. Without a sense of purpose in your everyday life you are waking around addicted to being comfortable and using things or activities to create a moment of temporary happiness. I want to remind everyone that time stands still for no one, and when you think about your life ten years from now ask yourself would you be happy to look around only to realize that you have been standing in the same sinking sand? We have a destination in life that has already been written for us by God the reality is the only way to get there is by taking action in making daily progress with ourselves, committing to working on yourself first and making the choice to live consciously. I challenge you to not go through life without purpose and a commitment to attaining what you deserve by being who you were created to be. Start today with Taking responsibility for your thoughts and your actions, taking on the art of conscious awareness and applying pressure only to the things you want to manifest in your life.

Buckle Up And Enjoy The Process

There is a very old wise saying that goes “every disappointment is for a good reason” but after my experience yesterday my new perspective is that every disappointment is for a great blessing. very often in life we are so busy making plans and organizing the details of life and the outcome we would like to see that we lose sight of the fact that, the universe is always going to interject based on our intentions behind our purpose whether they are good or bad. In the moment of things unravelling at time it is hard to not get emotional or a little frustrated, the one thing we must always remember is that God works in mysterious and super natural ways. The moment we think the curtains are closing in on us and there is no way out of a difficult situation remember that things can go from seemingly falling apart to coming together and even better than we even imagined.



 Yesterday was very special and an important day for me I launched my official website for my brand and naturally things began to happen that were out of my control. My emotions were high because I was so focused on not disappointing any one, and one of my mother’s friends said to me “listen every disappointment is for a reason don’t be upset and do not cry it is going to work out “. Sometimes we already know but it is always important to receive a reminder of the fact that things are not happening against you they are happening for you.  So, I said to myself you cannot take responsibility for the things that are out of your control you did what you were suppose, to you were here on time and ready to deliver and your guest will understand because your intentions were in the right place. Although nothing promising happened yet I decided to accept what was happening and focus on receiving what blessing will come of this.

I promise you God never fails you and he never brings you this far to fail you, our only failures in life is when we do not commit our plans on to him and allow him to be in charge. I encourage everyone one to start today by committing to trusting God and the process completely.  We can only move forward when we are open and willing to accept and appreciate the struggle, the tests, the challenges of life that are put in place to help you become the best version of yourself. while you work hard be patient, understanding, grateful and happy with the unknown adventures of life ask big like a child and always be ready to receive what you deserve and has already be promised to you. You must believe that you are worthy and work harder on becoming the person you need to be to see your deepest desire and dreams manifest by being true to who you are and honest with yourself about what you want.