Elevate In Positivity Or Remain The Same In Negativity
/last night I decided to take it back to something I used to make a priority to do before going to bed every night which was to listen to meditation affirmations. I completely forgot how amazing that felt I went to bed at eleven thirty woke up at four a.m. as usual, the only difference I noticed was I did not feel restless at all. How many nights do we take all the things we experience throughout the day to bed with us how often are we going to bed upset with our spouse, friends, or family members. How many times do we go to sleep worrying about bills, our jobs, or assignments we may need to complete. A lot of the reasons we are so tired in the morning even when we feel we have gotten enough rest is because our minds are so heavy and drained from carrying around all this stuff and taking them to sleep with us. when we decide to take it down for the day that is our moment of peace and our time to shut down and relax our body and our mind needs this. Holding on to negativity is like standing with a rope around your neck just waiting to hang you cannot breathe no room to be free you become stuck.
Meditation intends to clear your mind. That’s what you need to account for. And, the less stressed out you are, the calmer your bedtime would be. That’s what’s important. we should all practice being whole and calm daily not only before bed but as often as we can or as needed. We must all be a hundred percent committed to being proactive in protecting our peace which means taking the proper measures to not allow anyone or anything to compromise this, the moment we declare this out loud is when things begin to happen to test us. Be aware that these tests are not to break or discourage us it is in place to strengthen us in becoming the person we desire to be. Feelings and emotions are only temporary we must understand that things still have to get done so shaking off negativity is our best and should be our only option. It is easy to sit and whine, but it does not benefit us in the long run, we have to shake it off and let it go. With our tongue we can either bless our lives or course or lives pay attention to things we speak over our lives and think, words are like seeds what we plant is what will grow in our life.
We have to stop walking around claiming all negativity we are planting seeds when we talk so it is important we are planting the right kind of seeds. I was listening to an audio this morning with Joel Osteen and he said, “we cannot speak negatively or claim defeat and expect to win if we have a poor mouth we will have a poor life”. My question is what kind of life we want to live, what measures will you take to remain stress free and not harboring the things we do not like in our minds and our hearts. This begins with prayer, forgiveness and being grateful for all experiences we should have great faith that all things are working for our good. With that promise from God we should be free to not go to sleep upset or with negative thoughts or feelings. Leave yesterday’s struggle into yesterday do not keep dwelling and carrying this stuff around with you this is only extra and unwanted baggage that is not needed for where we are headed. Our Journey only has room on board for love, peace, growth, positivity and prosperity let us not rob ourselves of living an extraordinary life by remaining the same.