Elevate In Positivity Or Remain The Same In Negativity

last night I decided to take it back to something I used to make a priority to do before going to bed every night which was to listen to meditation affirmations. I completely forgot how amazing that felt I went to bed at eleven thirty woke up at four a.m. as usual, the only difference I noticed was I did not feel restless at all. How many nights do we take all the things we experience throughout the day to bed with us how often are we going to bed upset with our spouse, friends, or family members. How many times do we go to sleep worrying about bills, our jobs, or assignments we may need to complete.  A lot of the reasons we are so tired in the morning even when we feel we have gotten enough rest is because our minds are so heavy and drained from carrying around all this stuff and taking them to sleep with us.  when we decide to take it down for the day that is our moment of peace and our time to shut down and relax our body and our mind needs this. Holding on to negativity is like standing with a rope around your neck just waiting to hang you cannot breathe no room to be free you become stuck.

Meditation intends to clear your mind. That’s what you need to account for. And, the less stressed out you are, the calmer your bedtime would be. That’s what’s important. we should all practice being whole and calm daily not only before bed but as often as we can or as needed. We must all be a hundred percent committed to being proactive in protecting our peace which means taking the proper measures to not allow anyone or anything to compromise this, the moment we declare this out loud is when things begin to happen to test us. Be aware that these tests are not to break or discourage us it is in place to strengthen us in becoming the person we desire to be. Feelings and emotions are only temporary we must understand that things still have to get done so shaking off negativity is our best and should be our only option. It is easy to sit and whine, but it does not benefit us in the long run, we have to shake it off and let it go. With our tongue we can either bless our lives or course or lives pay attention to things we speak over our lives and think, words are like seeds what we plant is what will grow in our life.


We have to stop walking around claiming all negativity we are planting seeds when we talk so it is important we are planting the right kind of seeds.  I was listening to an audio this morning with Joel Osteen and he said, “we cannot speak negatively or claim defeat and expect to win if we have a poor mouth we will have a poor life”. My question is what kind of life we want to live, what measures will you take to remain stress free and not harboring the things we do not like in our minds and our hearts. This begins with prayer, forgiveness and being grateful for all experiences we should have great faith that all things are working for our good. With that promise from God we should be free to not go to sleep upset or with negative thoughts or feelings. Leave yesterday’s struggle into yesterday do not keep dwelling and carrying this stuff around with you this is only extra and unwanted baggage that is not needed for where we are headed. Our Journey only has room on board for love, peace, growth, positivity and prosperity let us not rob ourselves of living an extraordinary life by remaining the same.

Stop , Breathe & Reset

Today is a new day today being your day to get out of your own way and push past all your circumstances, I know for me this past week I have been tested on multiple occasions. I am grateful for them for many reason, one they helped me to get present to the fact that greater things are on its way and it is time for a new level of growth for when it comes.  Secondly it reminded me that I just need to take a moment to breathe and reset my mind my energy, to get back to doing the small steps that makes a major difference in my day.  After the conversation I had with my mother last night I am feeling a lot more confident and motivated that despite the struggles I face I must remain calm and loyal to my purpose. This morning  I woke  up feeling refreshed and refined in my mind the scripture I read this morning came from Psalms 77:11-12 “but then I recall all you have done ,o lord I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago they are constantly in my thoughts .I cannot stop thinking about your mighty works “ I read that verse intentionally without trying I was suppose to read that and receive that message today  and I wanted to share it because I do not know who else needed to hear this.

It is so mind blowing that whenever things seems to be blowing up the first thing we sometimes subject to doing is complaining, sulking, we forget about all the times before that we overcame things we thought were impossible to get through.  We did, and we must have faith we will continue to prosper and vibrate higher in life, we are never alone, and everything is happening for us. The road to success is never an easy road we just have to grab our helmets buckle up and be ready for life’s roller coaster. Life is exactly what we make it  no one has a perfect life but we can make it worth living and being grateful for  life is short but our journey is long and what we create in the short time we have is what lives on forever, I will not put off anything I can do   today for tomorrow because it is not promised to you or myself.  I will not wish I had more I will do what I can with what I have   and continue to build and grow as a person.my true success is valued by the difference I make in people’s life and how fulfilled I feel on the inside. Success is not success if it makes you miserable and robs you of time and free will to just be free. We have a choice to be made and it is our job to choose what makes us whole and happy in the long run

Be Unapologetic About Your Process To Progress

Focus On Growth & Stop Relying On Comfort

“Growth and comfort cannot coexist “this statement speaks loud and clear to me and I hope it does for many of you as well. The truth is if we are comfortable we are not growing, and if we are growing that means we are taking risks and doing things that makes us uncomfortable and is necessary. Has anyone ever stopped and took a moment to realize that being comfortable is a disservice to our life, more importantly have you ever asked yourself “why am I so afraid to take a risk and follow my dreams when being comfortable has granted you nothing more than brokenness, dissatisfaction, false sense of security and a feeling of emptiness? Why do we remain comfortable for as long as we do and feel terrible stealing from our future, but we turn around and complain when we have to put in the work for our dreams? You Have people that will commit their whole lives to a job for over decades and is ok with just that, but in a matter of two or three years of perusing their dreams if things are not going the way they want and expect things to happen they are ready to give up. We must paint the vision in our head of seeing more for ourselves and wanting more for ourselves settling for less than our worth should not be an option. One of my favorite get me up songs is called winning right now by a Jamaican artist that goes by the name of  Agent Sacco .A section of the first verse says Every day you see us, we’re on a next level Break records like we’re cracking eggshells And every single ounce of effort we expel Is all about progress because we have to excel “ Every day we should raise the bar and go a little harder.

Do More Of What Scares You

The time spent watching others making things happen for their self and thinking they have power that you don’t have access to is only a limiting thought. Everyone has the same opportunity to be great in life it is all in a matter of how and when we find the strength to activate what is deep within us. There is no wrong or right time when we find our purpose what matters is who we become in order bring it to life. In order to do this, we will have to get out of our comfort zones do some of the things that makes us nervous because it is necessary, the more we take on being brave the less things we fear. Fear is not real it is only a limiting thought that we create in our minds and In Every Situation we just need to feel fear and still take action. In the end we only owe it to our selves that every day our intentions are to live our best life and become the best version of ourselves. My goal is to not be an afraid to mess up while perusing my goals I will give myself permission to be shameless. Yesterday I posted a quote that came to my mind that says “we do not need approval or permission to chase our dreams” it is simply rise every day and take on the day like a winner.

Fear Is Not Real It Is Only A Limiting Thought That We Create In Our Mind.. And In Every Situation We Just Need To Feel Fear And Still Take Action “

24 hours is All We Weed To Make A Difference

The Difference Between Success And Failure
Depends On What We Decide To Do With The
IN Our Day

Have you ever had one of those days or a weekend where you had the opportunity to be in a room filled other amazing successful individuals that were there to just pour into you? This weekend was one of those moments for me there was so much knowledge and love being spread it is impossible to say I did not feel fired up and excited all over again. I want to share a few points that were shared with us and I hope that everyone can relate to these basic key points to success. “learn from others but stay in your lane “I can completely relate to this statement because I love to listen to others and study others journey to success and in the past whenever I learned something new I would quickly try to use it and stop what I was doing. I had to learn that it is not about doing what they do it is simply for us to listen be inspired and fashion in our own magic. No one can do what others do and still be them the key is to develop more skills learn new things but never stop being you or stop doing what you are doing. We must remind ourselves that it is not they are better than us they are who they are, and we are who we are uniquely different.

“Give your attention to one thing at a time will full presence” this was my second take away this was also confirmation for me, this was a topic in a previous blog of mines. It is very important to be present in everything we are doing because the only way to be able to set our intentions and meet our expectations is if we are giving a hundred percent effort to the task at hand. if we are giving half we can only expect to have a half result and there is no way we can say something is not working for us if we have not truly given it a hundred percent effort. Doing the action and not being fully present is just busy work and routine we are not being productive or focused.  We must set the boundaries within ourselves and be disciplined in our mind and actions, when it is relaxing time we are in full relax mode as it is needed and necessary. When it is family time we want to make sure we are giving our full attention to our loved ones they need this from us and it is also beneficial to us because majority of the time they are our support system. Just like we expect them to be there for us we have be able to be present for them as well.

Do Not Postpone Your Growth

“Never stand still for someone else’s comfort some people just won’t show up for themselves and that’s just their choice, don’t postpone your growth “. Last point and the most important one to take on is understanding that not everyone has the courage to follow their dreams and go after what they desire and deserve. That is ok for them, but it is not for us to sit and wait for them to recognize their value our job is to continue focus on our self-growth we can pray for them along the way. We cannot allow other peoples limited mindset to keep us in a limited space we were created to fly without wings. We can be anything we desire once we make the choice to change our perspective on life, think big and we must believe that we can. This weekend was a reminder of how amazing we all are and how much power we hold if we just give in to our uniqueness, not let other people’s words or our circumstances discourage. Remember life is always happening but our dreams don’t come to life unless we start working harder on ourselves than we do anything else in this world. Be courageous and bold enough to go get what is yours we don’t need more time we just need to use our time to focus on what is important.

Raise Your Voice

I believe that we were all born with a unique story already written I also believe that a part of our purpose is to live freely and share our stories with the world. How many times have you walked passed someone or been around someone that their character was just a little different and maybe not the easiest to understand or accept.  I can only speak for me, but I know I was very big on judging the outer appearance than taking the opportunity to see the bigger picture, of something much deeper going on that what we unable to see at first look.  It is not until I got the opportunity to get to know that person and hearing their story that it begins to make perfect sense and I begin to develop a feeling of compassion and understanding for this individual. Sometimes I can relate to their story and other times I am taken a back in amazement and disbelief of the things they were able to go through and grow from to still be standing today. Learning about others through their story and where they are now gives me a sense of hope and a great reminder that no matter how big or difficult or situations are we are still unstoppable if we believe.  As I read my vibe of the day Saturday morning it spoke about us being free to share our emotions and experiences, which is also recognized as an act of self-love.  How many times do we fight with holding our emotions in and keeping experiences to our self.   Did you know that to be free and whole from them we have to share them?

"Your Truth Will Set You Free"

When we take on the power of sharing not only are we freeing ourselves, but some one’s life is possibly tied to our story, sharing our truth could possible save someone else’s life or help to change their perspective on their own trials.  I know for years I would only share my experiences with people that I really trusted a hundred percent. At the tender age of nine I was molested by someone that was well respected by our family at the time, my first attempt at telling was not received well I was told that is not possible, at the time my mother was away so I was afraid of how telling her would affect her. On that day I decided to hold on to the secret and carrying it as if it belonged to me, what I quickly  realized was the more I kept it as a secret the more present in remained in my mind and in my life. I was afraid to sleep in the dark upon until about two maybe two years ago. I was afraid to sleep in the dark every night because, as long as I suppressed it I continued to be the nine-year-old girl that needed the lamp to sleep.  As a young teen and adult, I could not sleep with out the television being on I felt safe for the moment, but the reality of this was that the feeling was only temporary, and I had to find a better way to move on. I was at a class called success university at the time and this became the topic and as I sat there and listened to others share their truth the less I felt afraid and ashamed. I asked myself how long will you own this and how long will you allow it to control you? The moment that I was able to share this out loud with a roomful of strangers was the day I set myself free, today I can turn off all the lights and television and not be afraid to go to sleep.


Don’t Be Ashamed Of Your story It Will Inspire Others

My truth set me free, being transparent set me free, so this light and joy that people see did not just happen by accident it happened because I made a choice to be free. From that day I promised myself that no matter where I was and who was listening I will always be free to be transparent my story is my foundation and without the experiences we are unable to ever truly grow. I will never wish for an easier life instead I wish for the courage to share my story that is bigger than just me. To be free we must become selfless and encourage someone else to do the same. I want you all to get present with your experiences and emotions embrace them we have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.  The next time we get the opportunity to be in an open or intimate space instead of judging ask someone what is your story?  You will be surprised how your first thought of that person quickly changes. Our stories are that powerful it could help someone else heel and be free, and we are forever reminded that we are not the only ones and we are not alone.  Set your soul on fire and be free to live, learn, and grow from what you have gone through.